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(A/n: get ready for the next chapters after this.)

1 week later

My phone vibrated and i fished it out of my pocket.

Lee Felix: Seulgi, we were assigned to work with you, can you come to the nearby warehouse in the agency? Since it's still recovering from it's past state.

Alright Felix. I'm coming over.

Lee Felix:
Thank you noona.

I slowly got out of Irene's clingy grip and putted on a white nike, black jeans, white shirt and black jacket paired with a face mask and cap.

"Where are you going?" Irene's raspy voice echoed throughout the room since it was midnight already, the dim room lighted by the lampshade.

"Our agency called me.. I was assigned to work with the Stray kids unit." I said and walked over to her tired body "You'll be fine right?"

"I will."

"The wristbands will vibrate anyways when i get harmed." I informed and she hummed, i planted a soft kiss on her lips and went out the door.

*static* don't *static* *static* they're from the mafia *static* *static* no! *static* Ch- *static* *static* 'your connection has lost.' "

I frowned in confusion but shrugged it anyways.


I parked my car in front of the said warehouse and entered it with my gun strapped on my side.

"Hey noona." I turned to my side and a butt of a gun met my face knocking me unconscious.

(E/N : i hate how my wife picked skz as like the lowkey enemy)

I was tied to a pole in the middle of the warehouse, my hands cuffed from my back. I glanced at my side and saw my gun strap empty.

"Looking for this?" Bang Chan smugly smirked "How sad that our teacher would be tortured by her students." Jisung rolled his eyes and grabbed the metal pole from the side hanging it on his shoulder.

"So boys, what do we do?" Minho smirked you could feel the radiating hate in their aura. "What the hell did i do to you boys?!" I growled and they let out a grimaced laugh.

"Oh right, since you don't remember.. Remember when you almost passed to the director that we didn't do well and had to beg you? We'll make you beg for your life."Seungmin snickered and gripped his wooden bat tightly.

"Let's start the torture." Changbin grinned maliciously.

Jeongin and Hyunjin started hitting my body everywhere including my tied up wrists causing me to scream in pain. While Woojin and Minho splashed me with hot and cold water alternately making me grimace in pain, Felix threw away my intercomm and gun.

Bodyguard; Seulrene ✓Where stories live. Discover now