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Bae Joohyun's POV

I woke up to a wet swell in the back of my neck, i slowly got up noticing Seulgi was sleeping beside me. I turned on the lamp and saw a darker stain on her black sleeves by the wrist.

She did not...

I slowly peeled her sleeves up showing the scars she made earlier, it was still bleeding and i had the urge to slap Seulgi for resisting all this pain, i unconsciously brought my hand up to her neck because she was sweating really bad.

My eyes widened realizing she had a fever.

"I'm such a bad girlfriend." I commented myself while i shuffled out of the bed going to the bathroom to get the first aid kit.

After aiding her scars and wrapping it with a clean bandage, i pulled out a towel from my cabinet and soaked it with water. When i was done soaking it i laid it on Seulgi's heating forehead, i touched her hand and immediately pryed my hand off, since her whole body was burning.

"Why didn't you tell me you dumb bear?" I pouted and placed a soft kiss on her perfectly sculptured lips.

I held her burning hand with mine not minding the heat, i wore my glasses and read a book.


Kang Seulgi's POV

I felt something wet and hard on my side and forehead, i opened my eyes and saw Irene leaning on the headboard her hand entwined with mine and a book on her other hand.

I saw a white bandage on my wrist and i sighed knowing she saw it, i slowly sat up and placed a pillow on her back as well as mine and i leaned my head on her shoulder wrapping my arms on her arm.

"Thank you."


I woke up and changed my shirt since it was smelly with sweat, i saw a stain on the bandage and i cleaned it and wrapped it with a new bandage.

I softly laid Irene gently on the bed and went down to the kitchen to my surprise Moonbyul, Somi and Yooa were there.

"We heard what happened, i'm sorry Seul." Yooa whispered and pulled me into an embrace "You got us and them Seul." Somi reassured and i let out a tired sigh.

"We're here for you." Moonbyul patted my back.

"We already cooked by the way."

I nod and shuffle closer to the crook of Yooa's neck "Thank you." I muffled out and Yooa caressed my back gently.

I went back to Irene's room and saw her walking out of the bathroom. "Why didn't you tell me?" She said straightly and i turned my gaze to my foot. "I.. Didn't want to be a bother.." i said and she sighed "You even caught a cold Seulgi, you got me worried sick." She sighed and i kept my head down scared to stare at her brown orbs.

"Look at me."

"I'm not mad at you." Her slender fingers lifted my chin up meeting her gaze. "I just really love you that's why." She stated and planted a kiss on my forehead "And i'm glad you replaced your bandage." She smiled and i embraced her taking her aback lightly but she reciprocated the hug.

"I'm so thankful i found you that day." I whispered and my arms tensed on her waist. "I'm really thankful.." I whispered again and started to break down in the crook of Irene's neck.


After what felt like hours i pulled away and gave Irene a passionate kiss.

"EONNIE BLACKPINK FINALLY DID THEIR COMEBA-" Joy slammed open the door and her mouth went agape when she saw me close with Irene "I just wanted to say.. This morning the album released but damn, i didn't get to participate on the countdown." Joy pouted and i laughed "I'll buy you the black and pink versions of the album" i said and Joy jumped in happiness almost hitting her head on the doorway.

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