11 [✓]

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"Ire-" i turned around and Irene tackled me in a deep heated kiss, i almost ran out of breathe as she kissed me hungrily.

I held her cheeks in my hand and pushed her gently "Irene, i'm your bodyguard, not your soulmate or anything special. Just a person that protects you." I sighed and i knew my breathe hitted her lips but what i said really hitted me in the feels.

I want to be more special..? No. You shouldn't Seulgi.

"But i.. love you." Irene slurred and lowered her head on my shoulder and her hands made way to the buttons of my shirt after unbuttoning two buttons i grabbed her wrist "Aish, go to sleep. Joohyun." I sighed and laid her down and tucked her blanket, another hand grabbed my wrist "Sleep with me, please" Irene pouted.

Ye- no! But- no buts Seulgi. You're gonna lose your job bu- shush.

"I.. can't." I sighed again and she pulled me down and fell asleep her hand still gripped on my wrist hard, my eyes went wide as i realized i can't go to my couch to sleep.

I sighed and sat on her carpet beside the bed and my back on the bedside table the wrist that got grabbed by Irene now on her chest thinking it was a pillow.


Bae Joohyun's POV

I woke up to the feeling of a warm smooth skin on my hand, i opened my eyes and was met by Seulgi's sleeping side profile. Her arm grabbed by my hand.

I noticed Seulgi was trembling as the a/c was on the whole night.

Speaking of whole night, what happened last night?

I glanced at Seulgi again and saw two of her buttons unbuttoned and hickeys are seen on the inside.


I looked at my other hand and i saw Seulgi's necktie on my hand.


I suddenly had a stinging headache that made me grip at the wrist of Seulgi's that i don't know how it ended up here, she winced a bit and opened her eyes.

Her dark auburn orbs staring at mine i mouthed 'hangover' and she immediately knew what i meant she pulled out a tablet in her pocket and went down to get me a glass of water.

"Did i do it with her?"

"Should i ask her?"


i screamed in frustration and embrassment and the door slammed open with a sweating Seulgi holding a half-full glass of water "I heard a scream, is everything alright?"

How can she even- How the heck- why is she so good at acting?

"I.. Seulgi tell me, did i rape you last night?" I asked and she shaked her head "Then why do you have hickeys" I stated and she chuckled "This? While you were drunk and i carried you to your room, you attacked my chest with kisses then you gave me hickeys. Don't worry, i'm fine, but for now, are you fine?" She asked and i swear my brain just abandoned my head for a minute.

I.. did that? Oh gosh.

"Irene? Are you okay?" Seulgi held me in her arms, i was too spaced out and didn't notice i fell unconscious for a second.

Kang Seulgi's POV

I luckily caught Irene on my other arm and balanced the tray and Irene's body on both arms, i swiftly putted the tray on her bedside table and lifted her body with both arms.

"Irene? Are you okay?" I asked and her eyes trailed down to my lips then to my cchest she touched the hickeys and i tried my best not to wince and succeeded.

"Does it hurt?" The girl in my arms asked worriedly and met my eyes again "No, it doesn't, don't worry about it. I'm not holding any grudge or disgust against you. In fact, i would never." I said and while i was talking i noticed she kept staring at my lips and seemed mesmerized.

"Remember the sketch i made?" I asked referring to the sketched Irene on the canvas that is hanged on the wall, she nodded and i smiled  "Do you want to do something fun? What do you want?" I asked grinning to lighten up the mood.


"Wait what?" I asked again making sure i didn't hear the 'you' "Let's go to the carnival." She stated and jumped out of my grip and went inside the bathroom to change.

I went to my bag and changed into a red hoodie, black ripped pants and a white nike.

I sat on the couch on the living room and waited for Irene, while waiting i decided to secure the safety of the other daughters.

"Hey Yooa?"

"Yes eonnie?"

"Can you secure the Bae family while im out?"

"Yeah sure."


"No problem."

Yooa ended the call first and i swiftly slid my phone unto my pocket upon hearing light footsteps.

"You look.. pretty." I said boldly and received a blush from Irene, i picked up my keys from the coffee table and went out with Irene following behind.


I bought the card so i wouldn't buy tickets now and then, i let Irene pull me everywhere and stopped infront of a rollercoaster.

"Joohyun no, please damn no." I pleaded at Irene who was grinning cheekily "Sorry Seulbear, but here we are" she said and pointed at the back of me realizing we were now at the front.


"Let's go to the photo booth!" Irene chimed and dragged me away from my churros.

NOOOOOOOO! My Churros!!

After waiting for the pictures to be fully printed, we walked back to the car.

Irene clung unto my arm and rested her head on my shoulder "Thank you Seulgi." She said, i hummed in reply and smiled.

A/n: freaking scared that one day I can't give you guys an update because we going here from there to there to here.

So yeah once im done with a chapter i'll publish it right away.

Editor : If the chapter has checks , it means I'm done editing them

Bodyguard; Seulrene ✓Where stories live. Discover now