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Kang Seulgi's POV

"Isn't this your 5th visit here?" The gatekeeper asked and chuckled i smiled at him and nod.

I'm back again, here at a gold mansion.

"Well i guess your archery would be likely accurate due to many visits and i expect you to have practiced to take on this challenge and go back to the life world,  hm?" The old man said and chucked the bow and quiver at my direction and i swiftly caught it. I slipped on the gear to avoid hand spasms.

Before aiming at the bullseye i inhaled deeply and four girls came across my mind.

Yeri. Wendy. Joy. Irene.

"A bow across the border, i can do that." I exhaled and slipped the arrow and slowly stretched the bow's carbon wire where the arrow will use pressure to accelerate to the bullseye.

I took a sharp breathe squinting my eyes in focus.

I aimed at the distant target and released, my hair near the bow flying upwards.

"Good job my child, now go back to the real world. You're just in a light slumber." The old man said and pointed the golden door beside him.

I bowed and went in returning to the real world.





(A/n: tf do i have special connections with "beep"? I use that mostly lol)


I slowly opened my heavy eyelids and was greeted by a sleeping Irene beside me.

I saw a heartbeat machine beside me, an oxygen mask on my face, and a blood pack on my side transferring the blood on the pack to my body.

I opened my mouth to say something but ended up coughing like i just ate a brick.

Irene heard the noise that i made and immediately went by my side and held my cheeks on her warm hand.

"You're gonna be alright, everything's gonna be fine." Irene stated and removed the oxygen mask and pecked my forehead "You're gonna be fine." she smiled and i looked at her like a little child who was lost.

"H-How's Yeri? Wendy and Joy? Are they alright?" I asked and she nod "They're coming over." she stated and held my hand.

We fell into a comforting silence, appreciating each other's presence.

I sat up slowly as Irene helped me, i chuckled "So, did the police caught the criminals?" i asked and she looked down and shaked her head "They escaped from the police." i closed my eyes and inhaled and exhaled a deep tired sigh.

They're on the loose.

"When am i getting out of here?" I asked again and Irene looked up again connecting our orbs together in each other's gaze "Probably tomorrow." she answered and i felt myself lost in her intense gaze on mine that made my heart run a mile.

"Y-Yeah." i finally managed to say after controlling my hormones to prevent myself from connecting my lips with the goddess in front of me.

Her soft plump lips were very appealing and kissable, that made the image of her face in front of me stuck in my mind.

Am i.. in love?

I closed my eyes and took a sharp breathe, an illustration of a golden bow and black arrows illustrated in my mind.

"The gold bow represents innocence and elegance my child."

Innocence and elegance?

"The black arrows represents darkness, evil and blood."

Darkness? Evil? Blood? What does he mean?

"But the two weapons has something in common and it's pure elegance. The beholder of this weapons holds great elegance."

What does he mean?

"Only one person can sheathe this tremendous weapon when she is at the brink of dying. But certain consequences happens."


I opened my eyes to be met with three familiar girls who instantly bring a smile to my face.

"Hey." I smiled at the three and they hugged- strangled me in their arms i patted their backs weakly "Can't. Breathe" i choked out and they let go smiling.

"You made us worry dumb dumb." Wendy chuckled "Eonnie, you scared us." Joy gasped and faked a heart attack while we laughed at how silly she was.

"Eonnie, are you okay?" Yeri asked and held my fingers in her small soft hand, i smiled softly and nodded "Yes i'm okay Yerimie." she giggled and i patted her head.

Bae Joohyun's POV

I watched Seulgi being affectionate to my sisters made a small smile creep up my lips.

You're so sweet.. my little bear.

But a question was stuck on my mind.

"Who's Jimin?"


Im also gonna be a judge in a graphic contest so the updates might be delayed a bit

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Im also gonna be a judge in a graphic contest so the updates might be delayed a bit.

Editor : As i said , the author's a dork

Editor (again) : If the chapter has checks , it means I'm done editing them

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