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Kang Seulgi's POV

My decent sleep was interrupted by my ringing phone, my hand made its way to my phone answering the call.

"State your name, and your interrupting my sleep, make it fast."

"Kang? Great, let me make this slow and straight." I recognize the voice even though my mind was not yet functioning clearly, Mafia.

"Ugh, what the hell do you want?"

"Them, hand Bae Joohyun over." I sat up slowly my lower back resting on the hand rest of the couch, my upper back hanging.

"Over my dead body."

"C'mon Kang, it's not that hard." I had my arm up on the bridge of the couch my hand on my phone staring at the sleeping Joohyun.

"Hell no."

"Then we'll do this step by step huh? First their youngest.. then second.. then the eldest." The grip on my phone tightened, my free hand on my keypad phone typing a text to my team to meet me here at the house.

"Never, i'll protect them no matter what."

"Hand her over or we'll kill their father first."

"That's it?"

"You have two weeks Kang Seulgi. Two weeks before we shoot him, Deal?"


They ended the call first and i sighed.

I walked towards the kitchen cooking their breakfast and leaving a note that i'll be back.

I sprinted my way to the sidewalk meeting up at a nearby cafe with my team.

I spotted five familiar girls and went inside the cafe, the bells ringing indicating a new customer. I sat on the middle of the four, they ordered Americano for me and i didn't mind since i like all kinds of coffee.

"So, what's the call about?" Yongsun initiated first while sipping her drink "The mafia, they're on the run for the Bae sisters. Me alone can't protect all four." I explained while taking a sip of my Americano, legs crossing "What do we need to do?" Somi asked while holding her drink in the air looking at me expectantly "I need three more for the other sisters while i keep protection of Joohyun, while the other two serves as our intercom."

The five sat for awhile thinking. "I'll protect." Moonbyul stated and sipped her drink "Me too." Yooa said while nodding "Me three." Eunae said and grinned, i looked at Somi and Yongsun and they nodded understanding they'll be the intercoms.

"Alright, the three of you we gotta get back to the house fast." I stated and the three stood up along with me while the other two handed us earpieces.


We ran to the house and we entered in the front door.

Four pair of eyes looked at me confused to why i have three girls with me, they jumped in their kitchen seats running to my side pulling me and Moonbyul away from them glaring at the two.

"Eonnie, who is this?" Joy scowled at the two and it seems like Somi and Yooa was nervous i laughed lightly and patted their shoulders in reassurance.

"They'll help me protect you four." I stated "We'll talk about this." Wendy said and walked with her sisters upstairs, i let the three enter and sit in the living room my gaze fixated on the staircase where i could see pair of legs.

"So, Seulgi if they disagree?" Somi spoke out and i turned my gaze towards her thinking about a possible reason "No, they won't as long as i'm here and you guys impress them they'll get along with you three." I explained and they hummed in reply, my face distorted as i remember i stepped on a sharp lego in Yeri's room, almost stepping on the tarantula that Wendy keeps inside her room, almost breaking Joy's makeup kit and the bear stuff toy of Irene that almost flew out the window due to excitement of the older latter.

"If they disagree I will talk to the-"

I got cutten off as Yooa plunged herself unto me bringing me into a tight embrace that could kill me, i patted Yooa's shoulder to make her let go and she thankfully did.

I let my palms rest on my knees as i sucked in all the oxygen my nostrils and mouth could ever suck while my other hand on my chest.

"Don't.. Don't do that to any of them.. I don't.. Want them killed." I said in between pants and heard a giggle from Yooa and the other two laughed.

My gaze lingered to the staircase and met with a pair of auburn orbs looking back at mine, i could read her emotions clearly and she looked jealous. Her gaze was so intense you could even tell something's wrong just by her stare.

The girls finally walked down the staircase and confronted the four of us.

"Alright. Yeri, you pick." Wendy stated and lightly pushed Yeri.

"Her." She pointed Yooa and the pointed girl smiled sweetly.


"Her." She picked Somi and she displayed a gentle smile.


She didn't say anything but she pointed me and i nod in understanding.

"Alright, you're with me." Wendy stated while pointing Moonbyul.

"Care to introduce Eonnies?" Yeri said softly but a hint of stern in her voice.

"I'm Jeon So-mi, just call me Somi." Somi bowed in respect.

"Yoo Shi-a, but call me Yooa it sounds much better. Nice to meet you." She bowed reciprocating Somi's respect earlier.

"Moon Byul-yi. Moonbyul, Moon, Byul, Byulie or Moonstar, anything could do." She said comfortable with their presence since i brought her here two weeks ago.

I was about to open my mouth but Irene stopped me "Kang Seulgi, yeah." She smiled and i smiled back.

"Get a room." Moonbyul whispered and i looked at her my lips parted and eyes slightly wide in disbelief.

I sent her a glare and she gulped nodding.

A/n: finally have the motivation to write

Editor : If the chapter has checks , it means I'm done editing them

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