10 [✓]

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First day:

Knock knock.

"Joohyun, i'm coming in." I went inside without second thoughts and was greeted by a topless Irene, in front of her closet looking at me with a red face. "I'm sorry!" I shrieked and slammed the door close and leaned my back on it.

Nonononononono. Dirty thoughts get out.

"I-i'm wearing clothes now.. You c-can come in" Irene stuttered from the other side of the door.

Okay starting today i'm having second thoughts of entering rooms.

I slowly opened the door and peeked inside and saw a fully clothed Irene, and i sighed in relief and went in.

"Sorry about earlier, i should have waited." I apologized and bowed "No no don't worry, it's fine." She reassured and i nod.

"I'll ride you hard in the future though."

I heard Irene whisper.

Ride? I'm not a ca- oh. Maybe she means me giving her a ride on my back. I get it.

Second day:

I made breakfast for the daughters and after delivering it to the other three i went inside Irene's and sat on the couch, after laying her dish on the bedside table, i pulled out my laptop from my anti-theft backpack that i always carry when i'm doing clients.

I typed in some codes and after the encoding i decided to take a nap for awhile and wake up later to clean the house. I was about to lay down but an idea popped in my head and i sat up again and grabbed my book from my bag.

I opened the page where i left my bookmark and tied my hair in a messy bun and changed my top into a hoodie and started reading.

"Seulgi?" Irene called out and i quickly closed my book and went beside Irene "Yes?" I answered knowing that she's still asleep but answered anyways "Stay." She stated and i nod once again and took her hand in mine, the gaps filling perfectly.

Third day:

Okay, i didn't know why my heart yearned for Irene's touch again.

Since that last night i felt cold, when i let go of her hand I felt coldness and the need of hugging the older latter but i held myself from doing an disrespectful action to the client.

Fourth day:

I went to the free room and sketched again. I sketched aimlessly and it turned out to be a person trapped on a dark cage.

"What have i sketched..." i sighed and put out the canvas and replaced it with a clean one "Oops, i'm going to pay for this." I said and sighed "You don't need to pay it, it's fine." Irene stated by the doorway and i scratched the back of my neck.

I sighed and sketched a lost child with a teddy bear on it's hand, the child looks lost and hurt.

I sighed once again and replaced the canvas.

I felt nothing come into my mind, i groaned and kneeled on the floor my hands on the canvas.

This is my weakness, whenever i'm lost and hurt I can't draw anything.

"You're gonna be fine Seulgi, now sketch me."

Fifth day:

After i finished the sketch of Irene yesterday she told me to hang it on her room because she liked it.

After hanging it on her room she told me to go to the garden after.

I went out the house and walked to the garden to be greeted with a crossed legged Irene on the garden seat looking out afar.

I fake coughed and she felt my presence and smiled.

She held my hand and we went to the butterfly house, iwas looking at the beautiful flowers that we came across and i could feel Irene stealing glances at me and smiling after.

Sixth day:

I woke up to the thud sound and i looked around to see a sleeping Irene on the floor. I grinned lightly and carried the sleeping Irene back on her bed and stroked her hand gently and went out the balcony.

Rather than sitting on the cushion i sat on the cemented fence.

"Eomma, how are you and Appa? Are you two fine up there?" I asked to myself and smiled lightly when a cold breeze brush past me.

Seventh day:

"Seulgi, can we go drink? I'm stressing out lately." Irene suggested and i nod "Go get dressed, i'll cook dinner for the girls and inform Wendy." I stated and she nodded and went inside the bathroom.


I was following Irene inside the bar, whenever she talks to someone i stay far, but not too far.

Call me unlucky but Irene was now gone when i just grabbed a citrus drink. I turned on my phone and tracked her. I saw her hair tie on the floor, i bought her a noticeable hair tie so if she gets lost and her hair tie drops i know if she's being punished.

And she is. She's drunk and being raped.

I immediately slammed open the bathroom door of the male and there i saw a guy cornering Irene on the wall, she was drunk but her eyes never lied her true emotions.

I immediately kicked the drunk guy and slammed his head into the door of one stall and his body landed on the toilet bowl.

I held Irene on my arms and basically half-walked and half-carried her to my car.

After securing her seatbelt i turned on the engine.

"Seulgi~, i want you~" Irene chimed seductively and started crawling on my lap, her hands trying to unbuckle her seatbelt. "No no, Irene- Irene no!!" I shrieked as she covered my whole vision of the road, she sat down on her seat again and pouted at first but sobbed. "Is my Seulgi mad at me? I'm sorry" Irene sobbed and my mouth went agape.

I parked my car in their garage and carried Irene to her room, her lips attached to my neck sucking and biting it, i had a hard time at the staircase as the pleasure was going up to my eyes as it wanted to shut tight.

I managed to survive her hickey attack and thankfully where she put the hickeys is not on a visible area.

I'm lying if i say i didn't want more but that's out of the boundaries.


A/n: another cliffhanger lol sorry

Editor : nice cliffhanger dork

Editor (again) : If the chapter has checks , it means I'm done editing them

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