7 [✓]

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First day:

I slept on the couch after receiving weird glances from Joy, Yeri and Irene when they were eating dinner and i just sat in the living room but in their vision.

Oh no. Irene knows.

Second day:

We went to their storage room and pulled out a mattress and putted it inside Wendy's room, i'm gonna bring the single person mattress whenever i change rooms for the night.

After providing myself with decent equipments for sleeping we went to their free room.

Wendy pulled out a canvas and some acrylic paint and a pallete. She gave it to me and we started painting whatever we found on our minds and we competed.

I won because it was my talent to draw and she praised me "I swear Seulgi, you can sing, dance and paint what can't you do?!" She exclaimed playfully and i smiled a little and thought about her question "Well..I don't actually know." I said and she hummed.

Third day:

"Seulgi! Let's buy you some decent and comfortable clothes, shall we?" Wendy suggested and i nod changed into a plain white t-shirt and a black slim pants and my b/w Nike. "Okay Seulgi, that's just.. Why the heck everything suits so well on you?" Wendy whined and i chuckled lowly.

Fourth day:

Wendy just stayed in her room for the rest of the day singing in her room for her YouTube channel.

I stayed close but out of the range of the camera. Wendy called me and i had nothing to do but show up, she was doing live and the comments went light speed when i appeared suddenly.

"Wendy-nim who is that??"
"Oh she's so pretty <3"
"Date me whoever you are! <3"
"Omg i just became gay even more."
"Does she sing? I want to hear her sing!"

My heart raced, i don't usually draw attention towards my talents but for a client then i should.

I started singing and the comments once again blasted at full speed.

"Omg she's so wonderful!"
"Wendy-nim is that your girlfriend?!"
"Noona you two date!?"
"Eonnie is she your girlfriend?"
"Her voice is angelic i'm dying"
" *wig snatched* "
"I think i'm not straight."
"Okay, i'm gay now."

I chuckled as i read the comments and they heard it.

"Omg that eyesmile!"
"am i even straight?"
"I'm being unloyal to my boyfriend damn."
" *heart snatched* "

I waved goodbye at Wendy's followers and went out of the range of the camera, Wendy smiled at me delighted.

Fifth day:

Okay now Wendy wants me to dance infront of the camera and i had to do it because she didn't uncling to my arm when i said no and she clung unto my arm everywhere i go outside her room. So here i am.

"Omg it's her again!"
"I'm fcking gay and i'm proud"
"What is she gonna do?"

I laughed at their hilarious comments and started dancing while containing my laughter Wendy was clapping at me endlessly while laughing.

"Istg if i see her in personal I'm going to die"
"I'm more gay now :)"
"I think my ears and eyes just got blessed of what i heard and saw."

I waves goodbye and as usual i went downstairs and cooked the Bae daughters some meal.

Sixth day:

"Seulgi, let's cook pancakes for the girls ne?" Wendy suggested and i nodded, i went to get the ingredients on top of the shelf and i heard a crashing noise.

I turned around and saw Wendy spilled the flour and egg on to her clothes and flour on her skin.

"Go get cleaned up. I'll fix this and cook the pancakes." I instructed and Wendy nodded.

I cleaned the mess first and washed my hands before returning to mixing the ingredients and making the pancake.

After the last mix was now poured into the pan i topped the pancakes with butter and maple syrup.

I put the dishes in the tray and went upstairs, first to Wendy, second to Yeri who hesitantly grabbed one dish, third, Joy who thanked me. Lastly Irene.

Knock knock.

I went inside and putted the last dish of pancake on her bedside table while she was reading a book, she spared me a glance "Seulgi? You're not eating?" She asked as she sat on her bed comfortably shifting a bit to meet my eyes "No, i'm not." I said and she sliced a bit of her pancake and held it to my mouth "Open up." She commanded sternly and i shaked my head "No, i shouldn't." I said and she stood on her bed i had to lift my head up to meet her eyes brown orbs. She leaned in close to my face and hovered the pancake on my mouth "Eat Seulgi." She commanded i sighed and ate the pancake. She smiled and sat down again. "Take mine." She said and offered the pancake "No." I replied and she pouted "Okay fine, but just take one last bite" she said and i nod to end her endless plead. I crouched down and let her shove the pancake down my throat. "Thank you, Joohyun." I said and went out the door.

Wait. No. Her fork- SHE USED IT ON ME. Oh crap great Kang Seulgi. Now you indirectly tasted each other geez.

I laid the tray down on the counter top and washed the dishes.

Seventh day:

"Seulgi, i'm gonna go to a cafe and meet my friends" Wendy said and i nodded, i called Moonbyul "Hey Byul, please guard Miss. Bae, Wendy while i guard the other three."

"Yeah, thanks. I owe you one."

"Woops sorry, but please? I'll treat you."

"Yay! Thanks!"

I ended the call and waited for Wendy in the living room.

"I'll drive you, one of my fellow colleagues will guard you so don't worry about your sisters, i'm there." I explained and Wendy nodded and went out the car after stopping at the destination.

Joy's room next.

A/n: hai hai. Please tell me what you think about the chapter.

Wattpad was being mean to me and when i re logged in to publish this chap it said i dont have any stories and my heart raced.

I was like.." my effort!" And i was so close to crying and then my published stories appear in my profile i felt relieved.

If this profile ever gets deleted i swear im going to kill someone.

Editor : kill me then sweetheart ㅋㅋㅋ

Editor (again) : If the chapter has checks , it means I'm done editing them

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