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Me and Irene walked in the streets of Hongdae(홍대) with coats since it was snowing.

So far the mafia and my parents didn't bother the Bae family and Irene's father approved with our relationship and he treated me like a daughter as well as my teammates Somi, Yooa and Moonbyul.

Somi and Yooa lived in one dorm together while Moonbyul of course lived with Yongsun and they already left the house but would come visit at a daily basis since our contracts been expanded till next year.

I walked with Irene beside me holding her gloved hand, as a dumb bear i was, i didn't have any gloves in my duffle bag though i had butler gloves but that wasn't for the weather.

Yeah, It sucks.

I didn't mind when i was cold....really cold, I carried on walking with Irene wrapped around my arm "Are you cold?" I asked and she nodded her teeth clattering audibly, i kneeled in front of her.

"Ride me."
(Editor : I've been questioning where the heck did the description came from, now i got my answer)

She giggled before jumping on my back "Just like what you said on our first encounter." she reminisced and i smiled softly and started to sprint to a nearby cafe, i laid Irene gently on the ground grabbing her hand with mine and entered the cafe.

"How may i help you?" An old lady greeted us with a warm smile. "Such young love, it makes me reminisce my past." The old lady said again smiling "Now now, what do you want?"

"I'll take two hot chocolates please." I said warmly and she nodded her eyes crinkling but you can see sparkles in it.

I led Irene to a table nearby the window and sat opposite of her "You're gonna be warm soon, just wait a little bit okay?" I said, i could clearly see her shaking.

I guess she's colder than me.

"Y-Yeah.. Thank you S-Seulgi" she breathed out and my phone vibrated, on time our orders arrived and i thanked the elder.

Irene sipped on her drink feeling warm and fuzzy again.

I pulled out my vibrating phone answering my overseas brother calling.

Kang Daniel is calling..


"S-Seulgi.." i could feel his sadness through the phone, and it raised my confusion.

"Yeah it's me. What's up?"

"I.. g-grandmother.. she.. she's.." i felt my confusion rise up to the roof.

"Tell me." I said while rising my drink up to my lips.

"She's dead.."

I froze, my cup lowering to the table my eyes glistening with tears.

"It.. it can't be. Right? Tell me you're just pranking me. Please."

"She.. she was found dead in Daegu.. stabbed 5 times.."

I felt my entire world freeze, Irene looked at me worriedly her cup on the table. The phone slipped on my grip and it landed on the table with a thud.

I held my palm up to my eyes covering my tears. "Don't hide from me Seulgi." Irene softly reassured taking my hand in hers.

"My.. Grandmother.. Died." I said slightly cracking up when i mentioned 'grandmother' "She's the only one who cared about me as well as Daniel." I cracked out and squeezed her hand tightly.

Bodyguard; Seulrene ✓Where stories live. Discover now