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I opened the second message.

Hand her over kang. And you'll be out of our death list.

I assume this was connected to the mafia so i replied.

Uhm. Excuse me, go back to school mister. When you're texting a name use a capital letter on the first body you uneducated shit. Oh and, i ain't handing her over, so fuck off.

If i were you Kang I should've listened and spared my life.

Oh wow! Good job! You actually did the capital. You aren't just an uneducated shit but you're also a whore, great!

I swear.

Woops. Watch your tongue mister. No one curses a Kang.

I closed my eyes and stared blankly on my phone again, before opening the message from Mr. Bae.

-you saved the contact as "Mr.Bae"-

Mr. Bae:
Miss. Kang, this is Mr. Bae your recent client. I need you in my house tomorrow at 7:00 am ASAP. I'll send you the location.

Yes sir. But can i have any information about my appearance tomorrow at your

Mr. Bae:
You'll be my middle daughter's personal bodyguard. Any questions?

May i ask whom of your daughters sir?

Mr. Bae:


I turned off my phone and went out of the hospital, the cab was still waiting for me and i was completely surprised for such person to be this generous to a stranger like me.

"Get in young one." The driver rolled down his window and gestured me to come in, i obliged and sat beside him, though conscious i focus on every detail and move he makes to avoid any danger.


When we arrived at the same road i stopped for a cab, he stopped the car and gestured me to go home and i did, bowing in silence as a sign of thank you for his generous actions he smiled genuinely at me and nodded. Not after before getting my keys i heard a metallic crash. It came from where the cab drove to. My eyes widened seeing the cab hitted.

The old man dead inside his seat.

I ran back to the front door and went inside my unit and pulled out my laptop to contact Eunae, Moonbyul and Yooa.

It was 9:30 pm already but i hoped the girls was online.

I called the groupchat for a video call and as expected the said girls were now on screen.

"What's up Seul?" Eunae

"Seulgi unnie!" Yooa

"Sup Kang Sluggie" Moonbyul.

"I'd like to be part of the agency again, is that fine?" I asked while rubbing my forehead in frustration and the illustration flashing again and again in my brain "Yeah, you can" Eunae replied "Jeez, chill your brain Seul" Moonbyul said sighing at my stressful state "Relax Seul unnie" Yooa, our maknae brightly said attempting to lift up the mood.

A banging noise was heard from my door, i picked up my bag and laptop and rushed to the bookshelves where i have a secret hideout, i carefully but swiftly moved the bookshelf and went inside doing the opposite of entering and locked the barrier to avoid movement of the bookshelf.

I sighed heavily "Kang Seulgi? Seulgi it's time for Daddy to play with you." I heard my uncle call out and i silently sobbed forgetting the laptop and video call was still on and the girls on the other line understood what caused the breakdown of their friend. They looked at Seulgi worriedly but kept their mouths shut.

My senses came to mind, i didn't end the call except lowered the speaker "Seulgi kitty! Daddy has a new toy to play with you!" My uncle exclaimed again and i sobbed even more but quietly "That kid is gone again? Just wait till she gets back. I'll fuck her hard she'll lose her mind." My uncle cursed and that was enough to make shivers run down my spine.

"Get me out of here." I whispered to the girls on our video call, i know they can hear it because they're using headphones, i heard my uncle walk out the unit to go to a club and get laid, i snatched my backpack and stealthily went to my room and packed all my things. Including my gun and knife i used for my past duties as a bodyguard. I wore my face mask and cap that matches with the starry night.

I walked around the street aimlessly not knowing where to go, starvation killing my insides, uneven breathes and a sudden miracle happened.

A black sports car stopped in front of me and the window rolled down revealing my past client Mr. Bae.

"Get in Miss Kang." He commanded and i nod, i went inside the backseat "I suppose you ran away from your home regarding to the duffle bags you are carrying." He stated and i looked down, guilt eating every inch of my body "Don't worry Miss. Kang, i'll give you a ride to your agency." He said and i nodded, I assumed he saw me because he glanced at the side mirror to see my answer.


"I'm sorry for the bother" i bowed at Irene's father, he held my arm with his right hand "Don't worry, you were a great bodyguard in the past, i may not know your personal life but please see me tomorrow alright?" He explained and i nodded with a smile. He bid his goodbye and drove to his house.

"KANG SEULGI!" I turned around at the voice and it was my drunk uncle, i shook my head and ran to our agency's door banging as hard as i can "Please open the door!!" I banged again as my uncle neared me "Open please!".

I felt a hand grab my collar and slammed me to the door I was banging at "Did you just escape your cage you little shit?" He rasped out alcoholic scent of his throat hitting my nape he slapped me and worse of all hit me with a bottle on my arm that was full of wounds, my cuts opened because of the smash of the bottle.

A miracle.

The door opened and i came stumbling backwards inside and was greeted by a shocked Moonbyul, she immediately recognized my uncle and knocked him out and grabbed my duffle bags.

"Gosh, sorry for being slow Seulgi i'm so sorry"

A/n: how's the story so far?

Editor : If the chapter has checks , it means I'm done editing them

Bodyguard; Seulrene ✓Where stories live. Discover now