6 [✓]

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Kang Seulgi's POV

"Wendy! Yeri! Joy! Please come down!" Mr. Bae exclaimed and three girls walked down the staircase.

"Please introduce yourselves to your new Bodyguard."Mr. Bae, stated and the girls nodded.

"Son Seungwan. Call me Wendy." The Canadian hamster Wendy introduced.

"Bae Joohyun. Irene." Irene introduced and i acted like i met her for the first time.

"Park Sooyoung. Call me Joy." The tall latter stated and i nodded.

"Kim Yerim.. Yeri.." the youngest introduced and clung unto the hem of Joy's shirt.

I bowed and stayed silent. And i feel they were intimidated by my silence so i spoke up "Pardon my silence, i am a silent person at times but do not hesitate to initiate a conversation with me." I stated and they nodded except for Irene who was staring at my lips while i spoke, i saw Mr. Bae smile in delight at my manners and professionalism.

"Miss Kang.. I'm afraid you have to sleep with one of my daughters for the rest of your period here." Mr. Bae stated and i nod silently "so girls which one of you will accept Miss Kang to stay the rest of her nights in your rooms?" Mr. Bae said and looked at her daughters who was nervous.

Mr. Bae chuckled at her daughters "Well then, we'll set a schedule. For today you'll sleep at Wendy's room, tomorrow Irene's room, the next day Joy's room and lastly Yeri's, is that okay for your Miss. Kang?" He asked and glanced at me "I can sleep in the living room if they disagree. It's fine for me." I said blankly and a glint of worry was seen on the girls' eyes especially Irene's.

Especially since she saw me yesterday full of bruises. Damn it. Nice first impression you made Kang Seulgi.

"Give us a minute Appa. We'll talk about it." Wendy said and went upstairs. Me and Mr. Bae was now left in the living room and he gestured me to sit. I obliged and he sat across me "Seulgi, i know this must be hard guarding four kids all in one but please.. Do not back out.. Some of their bodyguards resigned because of their stubbornness." He paused and sighed, rubbing his temples before continuing "Are you up for this Seulgi?" He asked "Yes. I'm sure." I replied and he gave a small smile and i returned it with a small curve on my lips.

"Appa, can you come upstairs for a bit!" Yeri's voice echoed down the living room from the second floor, Mr. Bae sighed and went upstairs.

I sat there, quietly looking at the paintings and sculptures that are seen inside the room.


"Okay Seulgi.. So here's their own schedule for you to sleep." Mr. Bae started and girls looked at him attentively "One week in Wendy's, one week for Joy, one week for Yeri and two weeks at Irene's." He stated and i nodded.

Two weeks?

"So today you start at Wendy's and then Joy's, Yeri's and lastly Irene's." He stated and i nod once again.

"Come Miss. Kang" Wendy said and gestured me to follow her, i bowed at the others and caught up with Wendy who was walking down the hallway. "Here." She said blankly and opened a door which revealed a room with a color of blue, a disc recorder on the other side, one single couch and a shelf full of discs and books on the other side. It was clear she was a music lover.

"So Miss. Kang, do you sing?" Wendy asked and sat on her bed "I don't know. I have auditioned on a company but i don't know if i can sing i only dance." I said and she hummed and nodded "Can i please see you dance?" She requested and i nod, i pulled out my phone and played 'luckystar by Maroon 5' i backed out a little creating enough space before i start, i pressed the play button and the song was now playing.

When the song started i danced like the same way i danced on the audition.
(If any of you are wondering which dance it's the one she did at IDOT)

Wendy stared at me in awe while i did the dance moves perfectly but graciously. The song ended and she clapped at me i sent a small smile and she looked surprised. "To be honest screw that company for not accepting you. You're great! You can be the main dancer i swear that would be so cool. And you should smile more often you look great when you smile." Wendy said and smiled at me reassuringly, i nodded and showed my eyesmile "Atta girl." She said and patted my head and we both laughed.

"So now let's see if you can sing, if you can't shoo shoo don't step inside here." She said and pretended to swat away flies "Just kidding. Come in anytime you want." She joked and i chuckled. "So let's see. Do you know Adele?" She asked and i nod "Good now sing her song 'Someone like you'" She requested with a smile and i nodded in reply, i inhaled deeply.

"I heard, that you're settled down
That you found a girl and you're, married now" i started and Wendy looked at me in awe again.

I heard, that your dreams came true
I guess she gave you things
I didn't give to you

Old friend, why are you so shy
Ain't like you to hold back
Or hide from the light

I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited but I
Couldn't stay away I couldn't fight it
I had hoped you'd see my face
And that you be reminded that for me it isn't over

Never mind I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best
For you too, don't forget me
I beg, I'll remember you said
Sometimes it lasts in love
But sometimes it hurts instead
Sometimes it lasts in love
But sometimes it hurts instead yeah" i ended and she gave me a standing ovation.

"Wow. Guess that company made the biggest mistake" she chuckled and i laughed with her after.

Knock knock.

I opened the door and i saw Mr. Bae and the other three girls behind him.

"What was that noise and clapping?" He asked and Wendy spoke up "I let Seulgi sing and dance and i clapped for her" she said and Mr. Bae chuckled at her daughter's obsession in music. "Alright alright. Goodnight you two."

A/n: hai!! So this book is now officially continued.

To be continued!

Lol wut

Editor : If the chapter has checks , it means I'm done editing them

Bodyguard; Seulrene ✓Where stories live. Discover now