Chapter 1

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I sat there dabbling in the books I took from my childhood home. In the darkness I sat, soaking up the information like some sort of sponge.

Nearly three years has gone by since the ninjas. I am still holding my title as a wizard saint. I am also fifteen now, a lot has changed since then.

"Hailey! Were going on a mission, wanna come?" I heard a certain hot headed dragon slayer yell.

"No Natsu, I have work to do." I said back at the pink haired salyer. Something that I did, proved to be difficult. I couldn't grasp the basics of my damn family's jutsu, something I have tried learning for the past three years.

"Suit yourself, have fun up here." So much has changed since then, Natsu and Lucy are engaged. Wendy and Romeo were dating, and Gray has recently not hated Juvia. Erza won't admit to anything but I think she has this thing for Jellal.

As soon as he left the building I sat on the floor and drew a ring of blood around me, each symbol matching the paper I was holding, perfectly. I sat in the center, all I need to do is open a rift in dimensions, you know just the run of the mill activity for me.

I closed my eyes, concentrating my magic onto five different points off the blood graph.






I fell against my back, beads of sweat dripping down my face. Over the years something I learned is troubling me. I can't learn this jutsu without some help. Who to ask is beyond me.

I pushed myself back into a sitting position, propped myself up back in the circle. What if I use chakra instead of magic? At this point anything is worth a shot.

I closed my eyes and imagined the five points circling me.




Four. Back where I started, one more to go.


Without time to celebrate, a rift seemed to be sucking me in.

I stood up and started to move away from the rift. It looked almost cosmic, emitting a small glow.

My good leg slipped from underneath me, my other leg can't hold very much. I got pulled into the abyss. I lost consciousness.

When I awoke I was against a tree, however the area seemed familiar. I walked around aimlessly, eventually I found a large city that looked too familiar.

I walked through the gates. "Who is there?"

I turned to the gate guards, Izumo and Kotetsu. I remember them, am I back in the hidden leaf? I subconsciously pulled down my hood of the cloak.

"Hailey?" Izumo asked with eyes widened. "Don't wear it down."

They both smiled, which I returned to them. "Two familiar faces in one day."

I nodded and walked away, what could they mean by two faces. I shrugged it off and continued walking. I kept my hood on, no one noticed I was here. Expect I felt someone was watching me.

I quickened my pace and turned down a back dead end alley. I was about to climb the fence when I felt the presence, I knew it was too late.

"Excuse me miss, we are going to have to see the hokage before you can proceed any further." I took in what he was wearing, black ops. He is apart of the main guard detail, if I didn't know any better I would say he worked directly under the old man.

"Sure, take me to him." A sly smirk graced my face. "Very well."

He grabbed my wrist and started running, by the way he ran it was easy to tell he was around his late 20's. Brown hair, and if I remember correctly he is wearing a bear mask.

No name to identify, so he will just be Bear for now. Or I'll call him ANBU that seems better.

"So ANBU, what division you from?" I asked, attempting to make idle chatter. "None of your concern, you have bigger problems to worry about."

"No I really don't, if I wanted I could take your entire guard unit down within the hour." I explained with a victorious smile. "If you already knew the division I was from, why did you ask?"

"Simple, conversation. You see when you are a human you do this thing called com- mu- ni- ca- tion. It shows a bond or friendship between people. However I don't think I could call you a friend. You don't even know how to make simple talk." I was fighting the urge to giggle, however I did let a smile dance upon my lips.

"How old are you? You act like your six, they sensed power, not a smart ass." The last part was said under his breath, due to my enhanced senses I could pick it up.

I pulled my hand from his grasp, while sending him flying into another alley, before he could react I had my scythe out and the blunt end pushed against his neck. "To answer your question I am fifteen, I suspect you are around twenty eight."

"Your psycho!" He yelled, a little louder than suspected. "No, I am a reaper."

In one swift movement, my scythe was back in its place, and Bear was on his feet. I reached into my cloak and pulled out a headband. I tied it around my waist, his eyes widened slightly but nonetheless held his composure.

He stood there, in which seemed a frozen state. Was he scared of me? Did I do something wrong? "You bringing me or what."

"Oh yes, sorry." He stated and began jumping on the rooftops, I followed his exact movements all the way to the tower.

He knocked on the door, which opened after hearing a muffled 'come in' through the door. When it opened my eyes widned slightly, she wasn't the old man.

"What happened to the old man?" I questioned the lady sitting at the hokage desk. My glare was stone cold, my entire body being intimidating to the ANBU in the room. "If you mean lord third, he has been dead for almost three years."

I felt my entire body come crashing down. My heart had felt as it just broke into two. However my actual body didn't move, my emotion didn't change. "Orochimaru."

"How do you know about him?" She asked, her brows raising from the curiosity. "He gave me a hickey a couple years back, when I was a leaf genin."

"Did you remove it?" Her eyes never left mine, her stare only intensified, and so did mine. "You bet your ass I did."

To be honest I didn't, Freed did. It took him almost a year to figure it out, but he did do it.

"Hailey Yuki, team seven former genin." I said, giving her information about myself. "I wish to see my team."

"Very well, send two Anbu to get them!" She yelled, her voice holding authority.

Let's see where this goes.

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