Chapter 36

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I was currently sitting in the middle of a magic circle, somewhere out in the woods. I closed my eyes and focused my energy into my body and air around me. 

I had just left the bar and planned on heading back to Fiore. I had managed to get a better grasp on my magic as I have used it more. "Dimension Drift: Magnolia!" 

I kept my violet eyes closed, and sense the queasy feeling my magic had come with. Once I had grasped my senses and regained my composure I had the courage to open my eyes. I jumped out of happiness when I realised it had worked, I knew the woods outside of Fairytail well. I was only about a mile or so into the woods.

I started sprinting to my home, the place I could forever call home no matter what happens. I found myself staring at the huge guild doors. "How should I make my entrance, classy or go for pizazz?" 

"Both it is." I smiled to myself and jumped up into the air. I kicked the door and landed effortlessly on a inside table. "I'm back bitches!"

Everyone was silent, their gazes fixated on me. I was knocked back by arms wrapping around my frame. Blue hair flooded my vision as we hit the ground. 

"Child must you be so reckless?" Carla approached us with her hands on her hip. I wiggled my way out of Wendy's grip and ruffled Carla's fur. Not to far behind her was Happy flying over to us, a raw fish in his hands. "Hey lil buddy." 

"Hayweee!" He cried and ran into my arms, his fish breath flooding my sense of smell. I crinkle my nose in pure disgust, the smell of fish was even worse that alcohol in my opinion. 

I smelt lavender and strawberries along with the scent of ashes coming closer. "Natsu, Lucy!" 

I ran in between them, slamming them both down to the ground. I heard a laugh come from near us, I smiled and knew only one ice princess that laugh could belong to. "Gray you want some too!"

In the matter of seconds i had done the same thing to him as I had done to Lucy and Natsu. I spotted Erza eating cake, presumably strawberry, at the bar with Mira. "Good to see you two!"

"Hey Hailey." Mira greeted with her sweet smile, which I can only return to her in a much duller form. "Indeed it is a pleasant surprise to see you as well."

"Always so proper with you Erza," I punched her shoulder playfully, but regretted it almost immediately seeing as how she had her breastplate on. "It's me you know, I'm the closest thing to improper as you can get... besides Natsu that is."

Erza placed another bite of cake into her mouth, I smiled devilishly as a plan formed in my head. Man is she going to kill me after this. As I turned to walk away I swiped my finger through the white frosting, immediately placing it in my mouth before I ran to Masters office.

"Hey master, do something Erza's gonna kill me!" I yelled as I heard pounding on the door I had previously closed. "My child what a surprise. It's good to see you're still as lively as always." 

I could have sworn that he was being sarcastic, but I was too busy being chased by the red headed demon to care at the moment. I started piling things against the door ending with placing master on top of the pile. "This is truly unnecessary."

"Erza's always nice to you, you've never truly experienced her nasty and mean side!" I complained in a childish manner. He huffed as he jumped down from his staggered pile of stuff. "Good thing you are here too, the council has requested your presence for the past month."

"Right, forgot I'm kind of relevant around here." I pondered silently, my thoughts drifting back to a certain raven haired Uchiha. I quickly shoved the thought out of my mind. No I came here to get away from all of that, just enjoy the company you have now.

"Yes and I would appreciate it if you would go visit the council they have bothering me greatly." He complained and went to sit in his chair that was in the pile of stuff. Then another idea formed in my little, messed up head. 

"Can I take Erza, Lucy, and Wendy." I asked with stars in my eyes and a small puppy dog lip pout. "Sure I see why not, but as long as you don't destroy anything." 

"No promises!" I shouted as I pushed everything to the side of the door, placing master back at his desk before I rushed out of the room. Erza was no longer terrorizing the door and was back to eating what remained of her cake, might I add that the cake was really good. 

I jumped onto the roof rafters and looked down into the sea of people. I gave up looking and decided to just yell about our trip. "Girl trip!!" 

Everyone looked up to see why I was yelling, I spotted the two other ladies I was looking for sitting with Gray and Natsu. 

I jumped from the rafters and landed next to the table they were seated in. "Come on Wendy, and Lucy we're going on a girls trip!" 

"Hey can we come too!?" Natsu shouted with his goofy grin. Gray nodded in agreement, I let a mischievous smirk cross my lips as I shook my head violently. "Nope, nada, this is a girls only trip!"

I grabbed the two girls by the wrist and dragged them out of there seats. "Let us go and fetch the red headed demon!" 

I let my grip loosed as we approached the bar once again. I smiled sheepishly and used Wendy as a shield from the demon in front of me. "Hey Erza, would you care to join us on a girls trip?" 

"That sounds quite nice, now that I think about." She said looking towards us, well Wendy and Lucy I had moved positions and was now hiding behind Mira. Once I heard her answer I popped up from behind the white haired girl with a small smile. 

"Great pack your things we leave in an hour!"

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