Chapter 14

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I eyed up the snake, he seemed to be questioning me. "Why are you really here?"

"Whatever do you mean?" I asked with a shrug, trying to play it off cooly. "Damn leaf people don't know what's good for them. I mean I was nice enough to come back and they give me a damn sissy of a captain in return."

"You put up a hell of a fight Kabuto said. You weren't originally going to come." He said with his lips licking in anticipation. Hailey what have you gotten yourself into this time? "What can I say, old habits die hard, they have done nothing for me since I got back."

"So you don't plan on fighting or resisting?" He asked a brow raised as we awaited my answer. "I thought I already said that I have no reason and wouldn't win anyway."

"Smart girl, knowing when to call it quits. A skill most don't possess." The way his tongue slithered as he talked made me internally cringe the entire time he spoke. "Perfect I will send you on your first mission tomorrow, don't screw it up. About your stuff, talk to Sasuke." 

"Dismissed." I changed the air current around me ever so slightly using the air like crutches to get back to the room I was in before. I was by myself, which was enough to collect my thoughts. 

What kind of missions am I going on? No way there escorting of protecting, this is a rogue ninja were talking about here. "Are you even listening?"

I shot my head up from the bed I was sitting on. On it I also noticed most of my stuff, minus my scythe. Staring at me in disbelief was none other than Sasuke the fucking Uchiha. "No I wasn't care to repeat?"

"Kabuto told me to give these to you, and if your up to it we can go to the weapon room too." He explained with a roll of the eyes. "Uh, sure."

I took the brace from the pile, and dragged dit up my leg. Lacing and buckling it as I did. Sasuke watched my every move as I went. I pushed my leg off the bed and onto the ground, adjusting the size to fit me better, slipping over the bracket that goes over my foot I finally stood up. "It really takes you that long?"

"Yes, It was designed by me and made by a good friend. It is the most simple one may I say, the formers were just prototypes. For the amount of movement I do daily this is best suited." I expertly explained hoping to piss him off a little in the meantime. "After you."

He walked out of the room, me tailing him closely behind. I attempted to memorize the maze like interior, successfully I noted the way to the room I was in before with Orochimaru. He opened a door and held it for me. "This is it."

I nodded and walked in, it was quite close to my room. Is that my room? Or was it somebody else's? I shrugged at the thought and looked at the wall, quickly analyzing all the different weapons. "Nope."

"What do you mean 'nope'?" He asked with a monotone voice, his body tensely leaning on the wall. "I don't like any of them."

"Why? This is a scythe just like your old one." He held up a plain black handled and steel bladed scythe, nice but it isn't mine. "My scythe was a gift from a blacksmith, plus is was purple. That one is plain." 

I ran the blade across my leg with no brace, leaving a open wound. "Plus I have to try harder with a non magic infused weapon." 

In seconds he ripped the top of his now black t-shirt. I never realized he changed weird. He wrapped it around my leg muttering things about how stupid I was. "You know I heal fast right? I may not be able to heal myself, but I heal fast." 

"Still, it could get infected." I laughed and rolled my eyes, causing him to send a glare my way. "You know poison literally bends to my will. Only way a wound is getting me to curl six feet under is one of three reasons. One, it is a foreign poison in the cut, which I could most likely decompose in an hour with the right materials. Two, the cut is to a vital organ, like the heart, lungs, jugular, and a few other places. Three, I let it kill me."

"Your psycho, you know that right?" I shrugged as he tied the knot tight, causing me to flinch slightly. He smirked and looked up at me. "So you do feel pain."

"You tied the thing like I do my hair, not letting it move." This seemed to confuse him, girl problems. I jumped in place, as I walked passed him, my hair swaying behind me. "None of these weapons are my taste, so I'm going to bed."

As I walked I felt a victorious smile play onto my lips, now I need to get out for my midnight stroll. Once I was back into my so called room, I walked into the other door in my room. It lead to a small room with shower, sink, and a toilet. 

I walked back into the room with the small bed and a small desk in the conner. I turned the desk light on I rummaged through my ninja pouches and pulled out two notebooks. One was filled to the brim with dragon sightings and Fairy Tail names. I also pulled out an all too familiar necklace. 

It was a little broken, so I went to town on fixing it. I fiddled my fingers around the ball, enfusing magic at different points, before I know it I felt myself start to doze off on the desk. I picked myself up and splashed some water on my face. I sat on the bed and mediated, not for peace but to see if anyone was awake in the base. I felt one signature, however it was on the other side of the base

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