Chapter 27

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Black, cold, alone, nothing, is this what death feels like? It seems to empty for death, no pain I can feel. 

Who am I? I looked into the vast darkness seeing nothing around me. That's right I was a wizard who couldn't protect even a few friends. I looked down at my pale hands, they were cold.

I sighed as I saw a small light coming from the corner of my view. It reminds me of how I first came across the hidden Leaf village, that small lake we had encountered. It seemed such a distant memory, yet one I needed to hold onto and cherish. 

Seemingly in a cliche manner I trudge my way towards the light. Maybe this a purgatory and the light is waiting to take me to where I belong, hell. It seems to be far bright for what I would think hell would be like. Then again going to heaven with all my sins is far out of my grasp. In the end outrunning karma is impossible. 

I reached for the light in front of me, as I made contact the world around me seemed to lighten. The once blackness was covered in white, so bright it caused me to close my eyes. When I open my purple eyes, I felt a massive presence in front of me.  

I widen my eyes in shock at the white dragon in front of me, I can't help but let a few stray tears drip down my face. However the few tears changed to streams of water hitting the endless floor. 

"A- atlas?" I choke out through sobs, this is what hell is like showing my things of my past for eternity. "That's me child." 

I wasn't expecting the huge dragon to respond to me, if this is hell I want out. I don't want to relive her dying again. "You have doubt in your eyes, what is conflicting to?" 

I stayed silent, as the tears stopped flowing as I stared her in the golden eyes of hers. It's the same simpatic voice I remembered from all those years ago. I grasp my head trying to get the voice out of my head. "I don't understand, you're supposed to be dead." 

"I understand now, you're conflicted on how I am here am I correct? I know I am, I can read you like a book, Akari." I flinched when I heard that name reach her voice, is my head playing tricks on me? "Have you really forgotten that I can read your thoughts? Of course it's me, your head is still messed up always too." 

A smile crept it's way onto my face as I launched myself towards the giant white and gold dragon. Wrapping my small frame around the dragon's neck, embracing her tightly.

"I have missed you Akari, seems you died young, you could have lived for so much more my daughter." Atlas spoke in a motherly tone, a comforting tone that made me relax. Akari the name she gave me when I had started training her. She said I would bring light to the world and cleanse it from sin, so she named me after light itself. "I wasn't able to live up to your expectations and I apologize deeply."

 "I don't want to hear your absolution, from when I watch over you, you've done nothing but make me proud. You were an amazing student, one any teacher could wish for." I looked at the ground, my finger pads tracing absent minded circles on her white and gold scales. 

"I have killed countless, some I can even recall. I was so powerless I couldn't even save Kakashi, I killed my own father what kind of child does that?" I felt so broken in her grasp, yet I could confess anything. "Akari, you killed those you saw who deserved it, as for your father he was a unpredictable, cruel man who deserved it. He blamed you for his misfortune and hardships when he couldn't see the full picture, he deserved to die. In my opinion you let him die quickly, you should of let him suffer then he would feel what you have for many years. As for that silver haired man he was a teacher to you, teachers don't mind dying for the sake of their legacy, their students. I should know, I have a beautiful legacy." 

"Had, I'm dead now, your legacy is deceased. With me bearing the burden that I let you down, once again." I spoke in a harsh self deprecating tone, mocking myself for my failures. "Child, stop oppressing yourself and look at the bigger picture. You have saved and protected countless, the count may even rival your death count. Even the best of the best make mistakes, I have made countless in my life."

"Still..." I grumbled under my breath, this feeling is one I haven't felt in a long time. Was it satisfaction? Was someone really proud of me? "Thank you Atlas, I've missed you so much." 

"I to Akari, you were the best prodige a teacher could ask for." I smiled and sank into her scales, rough they were, but somehow they were comforting. The scales brought me a sense of comfort, and protection. I felt my body tingling and becoming warmer. 

"It seems my legacy will live on, oh and about the love thing try it out." I was confused as my body became surrounded in a white light. "I will give my life to your legacy Atlas, I won't let you down again."

"You never did let me down." Her soft voice seemed to grow father as my body disintegrated into shards of light.  "Fitting for Akari." 

The once light in my eyes faded as I heard nothing, leaving me alone once again to my empty thoughts. 

Once again alone.

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