Chapter 16

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"Spit it out where are we going?" My tone was harsh and restless as he seemed slightly taken back. "To get your scythe."

"How do you propose we do that?" I asked with a smirk that seemingly played across my face. "Well I told Orochimaru about your weapon problem, so I suggested we go get it. Plus knowing your attachment to the thing you can trace it. Am I wrong?"

"Fucking Uchiha's, of course I find my most prized possession." I spat out and started walking towards the entrance, Uchiha following closely behind me. "Where is it?"

"Leaf village, need to get closer to pinpoint the exact location." I kept my eyes forward, but I could feel his eyes bearing into the back of my head. I studied the trees, some were scared, assumingly from the battles it had been the bystander of. I sighed as I felt the signatures coming from like the Leaf.

"Is this close enough?" We were decently close, I closed my eyes and sniffed the air for the poison my scythe was laced in. It was coming from my apartment complex, my apartment more specifically.

"My apartment, on my bed it seems." I spoke softly, trying to keep as quiet as possible so we weren't detected. We walked up the village gates, stalking the shadows as we went. I pushed my unlocked door open, guess I forgot to lock it.

Uchiha was following in my steps, his hand on the hilt of his sword the entire time. Is he always this guarded?

I grabbed my scythe and placed it in its rightful place on my back. "Now why is the real reason where out?"

"Can't pass anything by you, can I?" He said with a smirk laced on his lips. "Depends if I care or not, now why are we really out here?"

"Assassination, a caravan of products should be arriving today. Its our job to stop it." He said as he made his way to the bedroom window. It was still early morning, light was just starting to fully come out. Without it our cover will be blown. "Let's get going then, I have just the thing to stop them."

I hated the thought of killing an innocent person, all the people I have killed have been for a reason. Never did I kill for the fun of it or out of spite. So I just won't kill them, I'll set fire to the caravan's, and pray Uchiha will think their dead. The plan was farfetched, so much that it just might work.

We crept out the window, using the aly ways to our benefit. We hoped the wall again, once we were clear we hoped through the trees. We planted ourselves to wait about ten miles from the Leaf.

"Do you have knowledge of what time their arrival is to come?" I asked never taking my eyes off the dirt path in front of us. "They are expected to arrive around ten."

"Then why the hell are we here so early!" I complained and sank into the branch I sat upon. "The supply could arrive earlier than planned, we can't mess this up."

"They could also be running late, what if they don't come till six?" I questioned with irritation clear in my voice, he smirked and only shrugged. I closed my eyes and heightened my hearing to around us. I could hear the wind coursing in the distance, leaves hitting the ground. However I also couldn't hear the sound of fucking footsteps.

Hours passed of complete silence. That was until I heard the footsteps from a couple miles off. "They're here, about seven miles and moving at about two miles per hour."

"How?" He asked his eyes widening as he looked at me. "My hearing dumbass, when things are too loud I get extreme migraines and my ears bleed. Remember the karaoke night with Naruto. Moving on, there is at least seven males two females walking. I can hear the rolling of the caravan there still a little far away to tell if anyone is inside the caravan."

"Lets meet them then." He jumped from tree to tree, heading in the direction of the caravan. I used the trees and stayed in the shadows, cloaking me from the dirt road. "Four miles off, we should stay here to risk being detected. I should be close enough to collect more information."

"Then what are you waiting for." I rolled my eyes, quickly closing them and scanning through the area. I noticed that the steady pace seemed to pick up. Moving faster than before, I could hear the steady breath of four people inside the caravan. I couldn't sense any power coming from them, however I wasn't the best at sensing chakra.

"Four inside the Caravan, their pace has quickened to about three miles per hour. Chakra, I am not sure." I noted to Uchiha who nodded. "No more than an hour and they should be here."

"You sure haven't slacked on the training." Uchiha said, I rolled my eyes and stifled a laugh. "I am at the top of what I do, I have to say that stealth ain't really my thing."

"From what I meet of your team, they are quite rambunctious." The laugh I was holding soon left as I thought about them. Did I really do the right thing when I left them? "You remember them?"

"Sort of, the blue haired one was quiet and reserved. Pink hair was pretty much Naruto, maybe even more hyper. The red head is a more calm you. It's easy to see where you got your personality from."

A smile curved it's way onto my lips. I guess I learned a lot from everyone when I joined Fairytail, maybe more than I had thought. He payed more attention than I had thought as well. Our conversation fell short as I heard the footsteps only a half a mile off.

"Get ready for a fight."

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