Chapter 7

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Let me say, this fight is NOT fun. In fact it's the complete opposite.

This fight has dragged on for at least an hour, Sasori is actually some kind of puppet. His heart was shaped like a cork.

One vile of antidote was left, we were both infected. Due to my low energy, the poison regulation wasn't decomposing properly. If anything the poison was worse than before.

I tossed the vile of antidote to Chiyo. "Inject it now!"

I watched as she slipped the vile into her sleeve, as it reappeared it was empty.

Searing pain was sent throughout my entire body, each moment the pain got worse and worse. Swaet rolled down my face, in small beads. "Let's finish this once and for all, what do you say Hailey?!"

"I think for once you have a nkt useless plan." I smirked as I lunged towards the puppet. This is it all my remaining power into one punch. My eyes flahsed a series of colors and my first became engulfed in multi color lights. "Elemental Dragon,!"

I paused and puffed my cheeks out, taking in as much air as possible. "Roar!"

Everything from there seemed to go in slow motion. My beam crashed into Sasori, shattering his wood body to multiple pieces. A smirk danced across my lips as his limbs scattered the cave. It is finally over.

Next thing I know my vision became blurry, next thing I know I had fallen backwards.

"Child, are you okay?" In that moment I nodded, hoping a smile and a nod could convince her. I felt a small pinch in my thigh. I looked at her, she still had poison. Her body was frail.

The antidote started to take affect almost instantly. "No. No. No. You needed if more than me."

"Thats where you are wrong you have so much to live for. You are still a mere child. You can still live!" I sighed threw my frown. She is one of the special ones who can see past my smile. "No I have killed more people than any other Reaper, I don't deserve to live."

I quickly covered my mouth, I said to much. "Whatever do you mean?"

I pushed myself off the ground, then looked away from the lady. "None of it matters now. We need to get you to a hospital."

I helped her go her feet, being careful not to injure her anymore. "For a old hag ypu fight better than most I have known."

"Why thank you child, you should have seen me in my youth." I laughed slightly as we caught up with the rest of the team. My eyes widened slightly as I saw the scene play out in front of me. The Kazekage was on the ground. I could not sense a heartbeat, Chiyo seemed to have noticed the same thing as I.

Lady Chiyo dropped down to her knees, right beside Gaara. Her hands were placed on his chest. I noticed that Naruto was a little teary eyed. The entire village of sand started to show up. He is a beloved Kazekage it seems.

I immediately realized what Lady Chiyo was doing. She was transferring her life to let Gaara live. However she was struggling. My hearing is below average due to my loss of chakra, so I couldn't hear what her and Naruto was saying. I watched as Naruto placed his hands on top of Chiyo's frail ones.

I can't watch anymore. I sighed and started to walk away. I found a tree and layed in it. I don't things could get any worse.

Then realization hit me like a truck, the note. I pulled it out of my cloak, which was a tad blood stained from my previous fight.

I unfolded it carefully, the writing wasn't the neatest but it was readable. It was addressed to me, who would write to me when I didn't come back.

I cloaked my chakra and read the note. It read.

Dear Hailey,
You have been gone almost a year now. As you have probably heard I became a rogue ninja, it was to gain power and kill my brother. I miss you everyday, when you are reading this if you do. I hope you are doing well and being a saint has treated you well. I can't guarantee the best well be the same if you ever return. Please try to keep in contact of you should ever return.

High hopes,

Tears slipped down my tan skin. I crumbled the note as I made a fist, without warning my hand was engulfed in fire. The ashes slipped through the sides of my hand and floated their way to the ground.

Stupid Uchiha, why did he have to do that. I stood on top of the branch looking out onto the forest. I jumped off the tree, landing gracefully onto the grass. The smell was almost too pleasant.

I ran through the forest taking in all the sights as I made my way to the sand village. A crowd of people had gathered on the outside of the village. One could only assume that this was Chiyo's final resting place.

I was one of the last to pay my respects, I silently went up and placed a hand on her grave. It was shaped as the sands logo, I thought back to our battle. She truly was just a grandmother looking out for her grandson. She just had a different way of showing it.

I walked off and joined up with Kakashi and Naruto. "Wherever have you been?"

I looked towards the silver haired jonin and shrugged. "Wherever the wind brought me, I guess."

Naruto seemed a little our of it but quickly snapped up when I offered to buy Ramen when we get back.

"All the the Ramen I want?" He asked with stars in his eye, am I going to regret this? "All the Ramen you want."

"Your the best Hailey!" He said as he engulfed me in a hug. I wrapped my arms around his back and gave a light squeeze back. We packed up our stuff to make the trip back to the village.

I bumbed into Kakashi as we were heading out and asked him a serious question. "I am so young to regret buying him Ramen, aren't I?"

All he did was chuckle and walked away. I followed him closely and kept repeating the same question. "What is that supposed to mean!?"

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