Chapter 40

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If has been another week, I was finally feeling more free ever since I had confessed to Lucy what I was feeling. Wendy had returned later that same day, explaining everything her and Romeo did. He even asked her to go out officially, which happens to be the cutest thing ever may I add.

I was sitting in the guild hall, staring at the request board on the second floor. An S-Class seems to be just what I needed right about now.

I sighed and looked over the dozen papers that scattered the board, all with a high reward. I was planning on going solo, something to do just for the hell of it. S-Class trials were coming up again, so all of Team Natsu was out doing solo missions as well. Expect Erza and I, but she was busy helping master organise the trials themselves.

When I asked if I could help, I was told, and I quote. "I would make everything to violent."

Shows how highly they think of me, I rolled my eyes thinking back to the conversation I had with Master and Mira. I ripped a request off the board, and jumped the railing to the lower level.

I cut in front of a people waiting to get their missions approved by Mira. I landed on the bar and pushed the paper in front of her. "May I ask who you're going with?"

"I'm going with a team of three people."

"Who." She asked like it was the most obvious thing in the entire world.

"Me, myself, and I." I stated and crossed my arms.


"What do you mean no?"


"Answer me rationaly women!"


"Argh! What the hell does no even mean."

"It means no."

"Just stamp the damn paper."

She stared at the paper that laid on the counter and opened her mouth as she was about to say something. I sighed, relieved she was going to maybe say yes.


"Fine, I'll have Master approve it for me." I decided and stomped my way up the stairs, request paper in hand. I grumbled at how stupid this whole thing was.

I pounded onto the door, deciding against waiting for an answer I pushed the door open. "Master?!"

"What do you want child?" He seemed to be indulged in paper work, we all know he won't actually get that done. Him and Tsunade shared that in common, always finding something else more important.

"Mira won't accept the mission for me!" I complained and slammed the paper onto his desk. "She just kept saying 'no'."

I saw Master attempt to stifle a laugh which he failed at. Can he not see I was furious at the moment. "I told her not to accept any missions you wanted to go on."

"You could have told me before I looked at the board for ten minutes. That is ten minutes of my precious life I will never get back you know."

"I somehow doubt you can hold a grudge against me. You'll forget within the day."

"What did you do again?" I asked, confused as to why I would hold a grudge against him. I shrugged it off looked at the paper again. "Can I please go, it's so boring here."

"Stop complaining and make yourself useful." He muttered, nodding to the stack of papers on his desk. I soon realised what he wanted me to do. "Not gonna happen Gramps, I'd rather take one of Bisca's guns and shoot myself."

"Well then I guess you're not doing anything today."

"You're being unfair!"

"You're acting like a child."

"Am not." I stuck my tongue out at him and pulled down my eyelid. I won't admit it, but moments like these were always my favorites. Ones where I could forget all the pain i've been through and just be a normal sixteen year old.

"Have a good day Hailey."

"You're not even going to tell me why you won't let me go?" I shot at him, crossing my arms over my chest and sending him a small glare.

"Nope, good day." I stomped out of the office and walked down to the main hall. I sat at the bar and banged my head against the table. "Master said no as well."

"Well, he said more than no, unlike somebody." I shot her a small smirk, how could I ever stay mad at them. They had done so much for me, being mad makes me feel guilty.

"You can help me accept requests." She added with a smile, stamping another request made by Max.

"What is it with everyone wanting me to do their work." I rolled my lilac eyes, watching as another guildmate walked up to the bar and held out a paper for Mira. She stamped it with a smile and recorded it into her weird book thingy.

"A simple no would have been enough." She laughed, looking at me with her blue piercing eyes. "That could have worked, but I didn't want to sound like a certain somebody."

"Now you're just trying to be annoying." She slid me over a milkshake, an apology for us. I muttered a simple thanks and sucked on the red straw.

"Now will you let the whole thing go." I contemplated for a minute before responding.

"...No." I smiled and took another sip of my milkshake. Mira was now almost twenty one, but she still acted like the same old Mira I looked up to.

"Fine, I guess you can be forgiven. You got me milkshakes are the way to my heart." I draped my hand over my forehead, making my performance dramatic. I sucked down the milkshake, rejecting it as my head throbbed.

"I tell you everytime, you'll get a brain freeze if you drink it too fast."

"But when have I ever listened to anyone!" I groaned, holding my head with one hand. "Maybe you'll listen this time."

"Nope." I mumbled and stood up from my seat, I was gonna return home. "See you around Mira."

"Have a good day Hailey! I'm sorry!" I walked out the two huge doors and along the streets. My own thoughts entertaining me as I did so. I hummed a little tone as I walked the cobblestone road, counting the amount of stones I stepped on, mostly to amuse myself even more.

I stopped dead in my tracks as I saw myself becoming surrounded in a white light. I looked at my hands and almost started to freak out, but then remembered that I had given someone something just in case.

I smirked as my body faded into the light.

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