Chapter 3

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Next thing my mind starts racing to the point that I can't hear my own thoughts.

Did he really leave?

Could I have done something to prevent it?

Was I the reason he left?

Did he le-

I was snapped out of my thoughts my a hand on my shoulder. "I promise I will make him come back."

"No." I said and regained my composure. "That is far too much for you to carry on your shoulders. We will bring him back, together."

"Believe it Hailey! Let's go so we aren't keeping Kakashi waiting." I nodded and pushed off my good leg, moving at inhuman speeds. "Race ya!"

The race was close, it ended in me pulling up slightly near the end. Naruto was panting along with me, it ended in a laughing match between us.

We waited about half an hour for Kakashi, he was late as usual. I noticed a couple chakra signatures in the forest, they must be our spectators.

Before anything was said, Naruto threw shuriken towards Kakashi. Getting in the first movie he had a kunai near Kakashi. Our teacher pulled a fast one and had a kunai pinned on Naruto's head.

I smirked knowing that the copy wasn't the real Naruto. As the real Naruto pulled up behind Kakashi with a kunai to his back. He has matured greatly.

"Now you have improved however there is no need to be so impatient all the time. I haven't even said go yet." I smiled and wrapped my hand around my scythe, now just need to wait for the start.

"GO!" He disappeared in a cloud of smoke, leaving Naruto dumbfounded. I whipped my scythe off my back, shoving the end into the ground. My eyes flashed brown as I mutterted a few words under my breath.

The ground became cracked and started lifting upwards. Revealing a slightly confused Kakashi in the rubble. "I haven't slacked these last two years. You should know you can't win by now."

"Don't forget you are the only two left from your team who are still Genins." He said with a smirk, I jumped effortlessly, landing next to Naruto. "Don't forget I am top of the top. Plus we have teamwork on our side."

I looked towards Naruto, as if we knew what each other was thinking we lunged towards Kakashi. As we neared him we changed direction and ran into the forest. Hiding while concealing yourself. Kakashi cautiously walked through the dimly lit forest, little did he know that Naruto was sneaking up behind him.

"Hidden leaf secret jutsu! A thousand years of death!" Kakashi's face showed sheer panic, quickly I moved in front of him, my south rounded his neck, only centimeters away from slitting the white haired shinobi.

In the blink of an eye a log had taken his place, fucking substitution jutsu. "Naruto it's now or never tell him the secret of his book!"

I raised my voice loud enough for Kakashi to hear, we started walking in the forest. Searching for a certain jonin. As we were searching we both saw a younger Uchiha, covered in cuts and bruises.

"Help me, I escaped from Orochimaru." His voice was hoarse, it almost seemed real. Too bad it was only a mere genjutsu.

"Release!" I shouted to myself and Naruto. Releasing us from the genjutsu and the horror it contained.

"Behind the tree in front of us." I whispered to Naruto, who wasted no time in getting a blue ball of a jutsu. "RASENGAN!"

Jiraiya must've taught it to him, so he did read my letter. I hope they all did. Kakashi missed the deadly attack by mere luck. His back was now pressed against a tree.

"So Kakashi the latest Icha Icha paradise books ends with-" At this point Naruto was just moving his lips because Kakashi had covered his eyes and ears. As Naruto went in for the attack I grabbed the two bells.

I high fived Naruto and we stood victorulsy in front of the Jonin. I giggled as he sighed in defeat. "Nobody can beat the Reaper and him."

Him was a referral to the blonde haired shinobi who stood by my side. "Just going to have to try harder to beat us, right Hailey!"

"Believe it." I said stealing Narutos line. "Very good you two, I can now call team seven back in business, minus one member."

Naruto and I fell into a gloomy look, the minus member happened to be Uchiha. "I see Sasuke is still a taboo name around here."

"Stick to being a ninja, a motivational speaker doesn't seem to be your thing." He chuckled lightly and patted me on the head. "Thanks for the advice."

"Hey! Kakashi isn't Hailey short." I whacked Naruto across the head, leaving an egg shaped bruise on top of his head. "Choose your words carefully, they could be the end of you."

"What are you talking about she may grown like two feet since we have last seen her." He said nervously, he seemed scared of me. How fitting.

I didn't smell the people in the woods anymore, they must have left after the 'show'. "So when do we start missions again?"

He raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "Whenever we are assigned one."

"Thats lame." I fell back, letting my body fall against the soft grass. In the sky I saw a pigeon, looks to have something attached to it's leg. I eyed it, I looked towards Kakashi who seemed to have the same thought as me.

"Hate to cut things short but I have to finish my book, so see you guys later." He said then ran off, that liar he was going to see what the pigeon was holding. "Wanna get some ramen?"

"Sorry Naruto, I haven't been home in nearly three years, that place needs some serious cleaning." I explained with a smile, it wasn't a complete lie. It also wasn't the complete truth either.

I bolted away, hoping to make it to the tower in record speed. I made my way and jumped through the window, joining a few people. "Hello fellow ninja. Don't mind me i'm gonna just observe."

I saw Kakashi sweat drop, he seemed quite displeased with my presence. To be honest I could care less. They discussed the contents of the pigeon, but I lost track and started staring out the window.

"Earth to Hailey.... is anybody there?" I snapped back to realization, noticing everyone was gone expect for Kakashi and, of course Tsunade.

"Care to explain?" Tsunade asked with a glare. "Not really, but I wanted to know how you dealt with Rock Lee."

"Yes that boy is quite amazing, his recovery was astonishing. Most of all was how he already knew exactly what was wrong with him and the chances of survival." She noted with a undertone of curiosity.

"That would be me, I took a look at him before I had to leave under certain circumstances." I explained with a stone cold glare, this lady has to be medical. Many of thoughts ran through my head. "What was the carrier pigeon for?"

"Were you really not listening?" My glare turned from cold to a warm smile. "Not one bit."

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