Chapter 26

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I skidded to a halt when the world around us shattered into a bright white light. The ground underneath shaked as it started to clear out. "Nature Dragon: Dome Protection!" 

I slammed my good leg into the ground encasing the small group in a casing of dirt. I bit my lip as I held the dome through the pressure. The outside of the dome was covered in rubble, after the shaking stopped I opened the dome. The excess rubble contracting out of the way, the village was gone. In the once lively village's place is a empty crater filled with rocks and building scraps. 

I looked into the vast crater there was nothing, I saw a white cloud of smoke come from near the center. "Lady Tsunade are you alright?" 

I turned to see everyone recovering, Tsunade looking quite pissed. I also noticed that the mark on her forehead is gone, however I was unsure of what it did. "This is unforgivable!" 

"Tsunade look!" I shouted and pointed to the crater, my appearance still scaring the ANBU around is. Casualties is unpreventable in a situation like this, but I see many people arising with the slug around them leaving me to infer that Tsunade played a part in the ninja's survival.

"I must go aid Naruto at all cost, don't grieve and protect the village! May we meet again." I whispered quite quietly I knew this is a battle which I would not return. I felt my leg buckle, I played it off hoping to not worry the ninja around me. 

 I sprinted off my good leg, making my way to Naruto in record timing. I joined him on top of his three frog army. I hate fucking frogs.

"Good no I don't have to track you down." In front of us, standing unscathed is the orange haired Akatsuki member, Pain. I saw Naruto look me up and down cautiously. "Who the hell are you??!" 

"Who do I look like you damn idiot!" I shouted completely ignoring the fact that Pain was in front of us. "Hailey?!" 

"Don't wear it out wil-" I was stopped as five more Pain joined the Fray. The small toad beside Naruto spoke. "They six Pain's have all come together."

"How dare you destroy the precious gem my predecessors have worked so hard to protect!" I hadn't even noticed that Tsunade had made her way to the battlefield. 

"Tsunade/Granny we'll take it from here!" Naruto and I shouted in unison as we both smashed, and successfully destroying Baldy, again mind you. "Take Tsunade and get her out of here." 

Naruto spoke to one of the frogs near him. Getting closer I had realised there was three big frogs and a few smaller ones. "Oh, I probably shouldn't bring this up right now. But since I gained nature chakra I'm able to sense everyone in the village, so is Kakashi- Sensei on a mission away from the village. 

I looked away from the blonde haired boy, unable to look him in the eyes. Tsunade looked broken, Naruto taking the hint from this seemed slightly more depressed. "I tried Naruto he died a true shinobi." 

"I see. Go Gamakichi!" He shouted to the frog that was holding Tsunade. I whipped the lone tear that dripped down my cheek and looked at Naruto with a smirk. "What'da say, we do this like we used to."

"Believe it, for Kakashi and the entire village!" I smiled at his attitude, he has matured in battle stances, but inside he's the same kid that wants to be Hokage someday. Our emotional moment was cut short by a Pain using summoning jutsu. A rhino was charging towards us. 

Naruto grabbed the Rhino by the tusk and threw him to the side like it was nothing, I like the new Naruto. "Summoning Jutsu!" 

Two more creature like beings came towards us. I jumped in the air, landing in between the two animals, "Elemental Dragon: Wing Attack!" 

Both my arms sent blasts in different directions, hitting both summonings head on and sending them flying back. Naruto ran by me I high fived him on the way. "Get'em Naruto!" 

The second I let my guard down is the second the rhino from earlier jabbed me in the side. My arm turned to metal as I stabbed the Rhino, then kicked it away from me. Blood seeped through my clothes, exposing my rough, scaly skin. 

Naruto was rushing Pain as I joined him on the field. "Naruto left!" 

He was able to block the Pain that were rushing him as well. The big frogs we're now taking on the Pain's summonings. "Sky Dragon Secret Art; Sky Drill!"

I was caught off guard when one of the black rods was sent through bad thigh. My movements are slower, my senses are slowing too. I can feel myself wanting to give in, the power is just too much it will tear my body apart. 

"One more punch." I spoke to myself, punching a Pain square in the face sending them plummeting into the ground. Creating a trail of dust in their wake. 

"One more roar." I whispered to the unstill air, filled with tension. I slid my left foot behind me, steading my body and bringing my hands to my mouth. A magic circle appeared under my feet as I began to shout. "Fire Dragon's Roar!"

I sent it towards a pain, my vision was going in and out. I snapped my eyes open, the pure power rushing through my body shocking me to the core. I was trembling, not in fear, but because I can't handle how fast my body is creating magic. I saw a pain go for a blind spot in Naruto, this is it, "One more spell."

"Fire Dragon Secret Art: Crimson Lotus!" I shout power surging through my body, sending the Pain that was about to hit Naruto backwards. "Hailey!"

Was the last thing I head from my teammate as my lifeless body hit the hard dirt and rubble floor. 

This is the Reaper's Relinquish. 

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