Chapter 4

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After explaining the mission at hand, I was thrilled. Not thrilled that the Kazekage was captured, but that we get to go on a mission.

"Temari is in the village, she will be accompanying you on the way to Suna." Tsunade wrapped up the conversation.

"So when do we leave?" I asked looking towards the Hokage. "Gather your things, you leave as soon as possible."

I smiled and jumped out the window, saying see you soon as I jumped. I landed on my hands, not wanting to hurt my bad leg, which still sadly happens. I ran to my apartment, weaving in and out of the trees.

I dashed down the hallways of my complex, bursting into my apartment and grabbed what I needed. I spotted the note near the vase, debating if I had time to read it or not. My mind told me to, but since when do I listen, I jumped out the window land near perfect on my good leg.

I slowed my pace as I jogged to the main gates there waiting for me was Kakashi, wow he was here before me, Naruto and the girl that I assumed is Temari. Quite the small team if you ask me.

"Everybody ready?" Kakashi asked which I nodded in agreement. I stared at the girl before she spoke up. "Who is she? Have we met before?"

I looked towards her, she was the girl that was with Kitty before the chunin exams. "Briefly yes, name is Hailey Yuki. I believe we had a not so nice first encounter three years back."

"Yes the one who threatened to cut my brothers head off." She stated with a smile. "Yep thats me."

The two boys sweat dropped at the sight. "Things seemed to have changed, seeing as how we are on our way to help him."

I smiled at my words, then Kakashi decided to speak up. "Let's get a move on, they have requested emergency assistance."

I saw Naruto's fist clench, he must have a connection to this Kazekage. I believe his name is Gaara, he was the one who hurt Lee.

"You ready Naruto?" I asked as I put my hand on his shoulder and closed my eyes. Under the lids my eyes flashed to a crimson red. I shuffled back to the Chunin exams and saw Naruto fighting with the red haired shinobi. He had a tailed beast inside of him, he was just like Naruto it seemed. Expect nobody seemed to care and let him build up anger inside of him.

His fist slightly unclenched as he looked at me, his eyes held such determination it was almost as if he knew the outcome of this mission.


Almost two days have passed, we were almost approaching Suna. It seemed as if this trip took years, even though it only took about fifty hours. Naruto seemed to be such in a built up anger that his will power was the only thing that kept him moving.

"We're here!" Temari called out, we could now see the Suna gates mere feet in front of us.

"Lady Temari! We have been expecting you for some time now. Hurry Kankuro isn't in the best condition." A man near the gate has said, I had noticed a small rockslide had happened. I also smelt a scent of gunpowder, and clay. Why did it smell of clay?

I pushed that thought aside and followed Temari into the village. The placed seemed distraught, without the Kazekage everyone was lost.

We rushed towards the Kazekage tower, each step Temari seemed to get more worried. I caught up with the Suna shinobi and walked next to her. "Everything is going to be fine."

I smiled, however I can't say I fooled myself. She nodded her shaking seemed to calm down, the rest of the walk was silence.

"Lady Temari this way." Another shinobi had pointed at her, telling her to follow. We walked upstairs into a room, with a brown haired shinobi on a table.

"Leafs white fang!" An old lady had launched herself at Kakashi, who looked confused. "Lady Chiyo they are the aid that konoha has sent."

"Don't forget the white fang of the leaf died." An old man had butted in. "We are a shinobi land we should be able to fend for ourselves without the aid of neighboring villages."

I could understand where she was coming from, I used to be the same way. "May I aid Kitty?"

"Kitty?" The old lady who I learned was Chiyo asked. "Yes may I help him or not, I am experienced in medical."

"Just let her." The old man said, who I hadn't learned the name of. I nodded towards the man who smiled in return. I walked towards Kankuro, setting my bag and scythe on the floor not caring that it was dead center of the room.

"I need his chart and any information gathered." I held authority in my voice, showing I know what I was doing. Hopefully it was enough to convince them.

I let my eyes flash in front of everybody, at this point not caring who saw. I placed my hand on his heavy rising chest. "Alright Kitty tell me where you feel the most pain."

He pointed to his chest. "Lower abdomen."

His voice was rasp, as if every word spoken could be his last. My left eyes stayed baby blue, as the other swirled into a green color.

I tried concentrating, however the constant chatter in the room distracted me the most. I pulled a syringe from the medical supplies they had. I made a small cut in his lower stomach, a little bigger than the end of a sebon.

I took the blood on my finger, not caring about the safety hazards they warned me about. I stuck the finger in my mouth, the poison slipped down my throat, my immediate reaction was to pass out, however that wouldn't look very professional on my part.

With my intensified hearing the voices were all I could hear, suddenly my hot head snapped. "EVERYBODY SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

That seemed to shut everybody up. This poison was strong, my body seemed to have a hard time decomposing it, and I am able to digest it and make me stronger.

It is metal based, absentmindedly I was clinging onto the side of a cabinet. I paced around the room, trying to figure out what exactly was in the poison. All eyes seemed to drill into me, each one awaiting anticipation.

Then I did something reckless, I went back up to Kankuro. "This is going to take five minutes top, I just need you to sit as still as possible."

He nodded, his body still was streaming the poison. The taste still lingered in the back of my throat. I quickly started.

I took the scalpel and quickly, and precisely made a slit in his lower stomach. On top of where the syringe had gone in. His muffled scream shocked the entire room.

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