Chapter 10

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"I AM ONLY TRYING TO FIND A COMPROMISE!" My ears picked up on a strange conversation, it was lady Tsunade's voice I believe. I rushed towards the voices and jumped through the window.

"Tell me what will happen if Naruto gets taken by the Akatsuki!" That's when I jumped in. Tsunade was yelling at two of the village elders, of which I had no idea who they were. However, I did know that neither of them is Danzo.

"That won't happen." I scowled in the direction of the elder. "Who are you, you shouldn't even be here!"

"Sorry, but I am apart of team seven." I pulled down my hood, revealing my flowing, purple hair. "Hailey Yuki if you must know."

"You are still a mere genin, what could you do to protect the nine tails against the Akatsuki?!" He yelled in frustration. "I'll have you know, those three years I was gone, I have done nothing but train, and work my ass off. If I had to I would give my life for that boy. He deserves to go in normal missions. Has he ever gotten severely damaged during a mission?"

"Not that I know of," He said a little quieter, however, I could still detect the hints of frustration in his voice. "Look back at my records and see the amounts of stress I have put on my body. I have never failed that boy, and I sure as hell don't plan on it. Ask Kakashi on this, I bet he will tell you the same damn thing as me. He deserves better than what he was given, his talents shine in the shinobi world. Only one, I'd say, out of the thousands of shinobi out there have a pure will, determination, and strength Naruto has. If it comes down to it, I will take his place I have killed the countless amount of people. For I am the Reaper."

He sat there deep in thought, I can tell that he was slightly shocked by my outrage.

"Mic dropped," I said and let myself fall into the same couch as Tsunade, she wore a satisfactory smirk. "Seeing as you have already agreed to our terms, I believe this meeting is done."

"Very well, I guess I will take my leave." I stood up and disappeared from the couch. Satisfied with my work I made my way towards my apartment.

I fiddled with the key, as I pushed on the sticky latch. The place was a mess, I ignored the mess and plopped down onto the sofa.

Shooting up with a jolt I sprung into action. "Fuck! I forgot about the mission meet up today!"

I placed everything into my lilac side pouch and threw on my cloak. I darted out the window and met up at the main gate.

"Alright now that everyone is here, will you introduce yourselves," Yamato said as I rolled my eyes.

"Naruto Uzumaki."

"Hailey, but do you call me Yuki." I motioned towards the white boy.

"And you can call me Sai." He said with the fakest fucking smile I had ever seen. I mean it looks like he just killed a dozen people, yet someone her managed to smile through it all.

"Is that how you smile?" I asked with a small smirk. My blunt remark seemed to catch him off guard. "Well I read that a smile is the best way to get out of a situation."

"Yeah in order for your so called knowledge to work you have to actually smile." Naruto was still fuming. I was a little shocked by what he shouted out next. "Yamato may be a temporary fill in for Kakashi, but you will never be the same as Sauske!"

"By what ever do you mean?" He asked not carling in the slightest bit, I had noticed that Yamato was starting to get frustrated by our endless bickering. "Okay, so you and Sauske have a little bit in common, but! You will never be a part of team Kakashi! Do you hear me never! Sauske ha-"

I placed my hand over his chest to stop him from getting in closed than he had done. I wanted my turn. "Enough!"

This seemed to relieve Yamato, oh how he was about to hate what I was about to do. "I'm sorry Sai, can you find it in your heart to forgive him."

My face held a bright smile, the one I had learned to fake my entire life. I held out my hand for him to shake. As he was about to take it I punched him into a nearby tree. "Good! Because I don't give a damn if you can't forgive me."

"My you had me fooled. That smile was so vibrant." He said as his smile had dropped, leaving an emotionless pallet. "And please don't compare me to that traitor, we have nothing alike."

Before I could make a move Yamota had intervened. Before he could finish hate we handsigns he was making I grabbed my scythe and pointed it in his direction, stooping him from making further handsigns. "Don't, he needs to know where he stands in this team."

The venom that graced my voice seemed to shock him. I don't think I have been this harsh sense my father, sucks to be who ever pissed me off. In a swift movement I was behind Sai, my scythe rounding the edge of Sai's neck. "Listen here, I can stand being called names and pushed around, but if you ever talk shit about the people I call family, you will be hunted, burned, then staked to a tree for all to see. Do you understand?"

He nodded, out of fear I believe, then I retracted my scythe, placing it in its rightful place on my back. "Now that that's settled."

I saw Yamato face palm and shake his head, I shrugged and pridefully walked ahead of the group.

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