Chapter 18

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Since the fateful attack, life has passed by me. Uchiha and I have built back our trust for one another, but he has seem more distant recently. I still question my decision to return to the hidden leaf, daily at that. 

I have practiced my families jutsu, trying to find a way to open another portal. However I can't seem to get it right. My lacrima necklace was repaired after many attempts, but I still couldn't find it in me to speak to them. After all I had left the world of mages without a trace. 

Imaging the talks I will get with the council makes me not want to return. I won't hear the end of how I left irresponsibly and neglected my duties as a wizard saint. 

It was currently late into the night, I was on my way to the leaf village. I had just finished an assassination mission, I wasn't scheduled to return to the hideout for another day. I have also gained a slight trust with the Snake. I am allowed to go on missions by myself every now and then. 

I saw the leaf in the distance, this was my first time seeing Tsunade in about a month. The Snake has most definitely kept me on my toes the past few weeks. I flipped the hood of my cloak up, hiding the vibrant hair of mine. 

I hid in the shadows created by the pale moon, the buildings towering over my small figure as I ran. I avoided everyone I could, I did accidentally run into a old lady who was crossing the street.  

It was late into the night, she was confused, I helped her cross then continued towards the hokage tower. I jumped into the window frame, my black cloak flowing in the harsh wind. 

When I looked up I noticed Tsunade wasn't alone. That hair is noticeable even for a blond person. The silver haired jonin eyes widened, my feet seemed to move on their own. Next thing I know I was engulfed in a tight hug. 

Kakashi was like the father I always wanted, I pulled away and faced Tsunade. "Been a while Hailey, what do you have for us." 

"Nothing on the long run, however I did bring a copy of the experiments files." I reached into my side pouch, I pulled out a black notebook. It was filled of every annoying detail of the experimentation room. "Just how many are there?"

Her face was shocked as she scanned over the book. "That book is quite diversified in what they do, that barely scratches the surface of all the failed experiments. We were forced to leave the hideout from before, due to a blight caused by the dead bodies." 

"I assume you have the location of the new location." I tossed her another piece of paper, only this time it was a map. "What you think i'm a rookie? Of course I have the location and all the weak points and entries." 

"For being new to the undercover work, you have definitely surpassed all of our ANBU's who specialize in infiltrating. The leaf, even though don't most know about it, commend you for your work. Doing what you did couldn't have been easy." She said with an ear to ear smile as she took a swig at her sake. "I try, I do have time before I must return. May I speak with Kakashi for a bit?" 

"Just beware no one spots you." I nodded and as Kakashi and I were about to leave something popped into my head. "Oh, and Tsunade, I think something is going to happen soon. What I honestly don't know, but my senses are telling me. They have never failed me before." 

"Thank you, until next time, stay safe. You can always come back too, you have done more than anticipated." I gave a smile as I turned to the window, Kakashi following closely behind. "Come'er." 

I followed my former teacher without question. It was nice to see him again, I haven't actually spoken with him a good chunk of time. We used the few trees around to propel us forward, by the trajectory he was going, I inferred we were going to the survival test training grounds. 

As I predicted he landed in a tree, the tree where Naruto had fallen for his trap when were genins. I smiled at the distant memory and faced Kakashi. "What has been going on?"

"Whatever do you mean? The mission has been very successful thus far." I cocked my head to the side, the confusion in my voice clear. "I meant between you and Sasuke. The way he looked at you before, it was like a deer in headlights. He was so struck by you, even when you first met." 

"Really? I guess I never noticed until the party at the guild." I mumbled and let my legs dangle over the side of the tree. "Our relationship is iffy i'd say, it has gotten better over the time we have worked together."

"He has stirred down the wrong path." Kakashi said through clenched teeth. "He has become more power crazed lately I can't help but feel the light in him is fading. Anyway how is Naruto?" 

"More powerful than ever, he is becoming a truly remarkable shinobi." I smiled at that, even without me and Sasuke he still strives. "I feel terrible leaving him out of it all. For the missions sake, and mine. I couldn't bare his face when he saw Sasuke and I. Then Sasuke made it ten times worse say that he couldn't even save two friends. I just wanted to hug him."

"For a girl who kills, your pretty nice." He chuckled, I slapped his arm in a playful manner. "I just hope I can lead Sasuke off the path he has followed so far."

"So anything else interesting?" He asked, his voice peaceful as he looked into the stars. "I mean it's not interesting, but a while back when I was first brought to Orochimaru he kissed me."

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