Chapter 6

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"Wait!" We heard somebody yell, we were just about to leave the village when a scream stopped us in our tracks. Lady Chiyo had come jumping from above. This old lady has some spunk to her.

"Lady Chiyo, what are you doing here?" A sand shinobi asked and bowed at the same time. "Well what does it look like? I am going with the leaf shinobi. They need a suna ninja to show them Gaaras last know location."

"Yes Lady Chiyo." I guess we don't get a say in the matter, whatever having her around should be entertaining enough.

"Then let's get a move on, we don't have time on our side." I spoke up, interrupting the suna conversation. They looked towards me, I flashed a smile.

"The young one is right, time is not on our side today." Chiyo spoke, a softness to her raspy voice was present. I'm just going to ignore the fact that she called me young.

The group of four left Suna without another word. The run was deathly silent, not much happened, besides the sound of the wilderness. The walk was a complete blur to me. "Stop!"

Everyone came to a halt and looked towards me. "Someones near us."

The team looked around the surrounding area. No one daring enough to make a move, it seems we have been followed.

A cloaked figure imerged from the distance. He was wearing a black cloak with Red clouds.

Kakashi seemed a little surprised shall I say, Naruto looked slightly happy. Then there's Lady Chiyo, who's emotions are still unclear to me.

"Yo bitch what's your name?" I called out at the black haired boy, he looks like Uchiha. "If you must know, the name is Itachi Uchiha."

"Itachi Itachi Itachi Ita- You're Sauske's brother." I shouted to the man who somewhat resembled a weasel. With out much of a warning Chiyo lunged towards him. I cocked my head to the side why are we fighting him. "WOULD SOMEBODY EXPLAIN WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING!"

I got no answer, guess nobody wants to explain after all. I now noticed the one called Itachi had the sharingan, that's what it's called right?

My eyes flashed from thier normal purple to a gray color. "Ice dragon wing attack."

His body turned to crows, the world around seemed to fade into a blur of orange.

Where the hell am I? The others were no longer around me. Wait this was called something, goebjutsu, no that wasn't it...

GENJUTSU! That was it, so the bastard had put me in a genjutsu, how unpleasant.

I walked constantly for days on end. This place is just a variation of hell, now how to get out.

I was suddenly losing feeling in my body. The world started to fade, what the hell is happening.


"What do we do, Kakashi Sensei?" I looked towards our silver haired teacher with a sigh. "Not sure especially has been put for two hours, all he did was look at her."

"He placed her in a gem jutsu, God only knows how long it will last." I looked towards Lady Chiyo. That's when it hit me, I started to violently shake Hailey. "Naruto what are you doing? That won't work!"

Without warning, Hailey snapped up and had her arms around here throat in seconds. "Sorry, force of habit."

She let go of her lock and giggled slightly. "How long was I out for."

"Two hours, which means we need to make up for the two that you lost." Chiyo said with a monotone voice. I nodded, agreeing with the old hag.

"I'm sorry to slow everybody down, but I sense Pandas chakra ahead, approximately eight miles." I smiled and pumped my first into the air! "Alright let's do this, you can count on us, believe it!"

"A part of my mind seriously does doubt that." Hailey shrugged and pushed herself up. She wobbles but eventually found her balance.

We ran as safest as our feet could take us. We came across a big ass boulder and a piece of paper on it.

I feel bad, not emotional but my leg doesn't exactly want to cooperate at the moment. I struggled to stand up moments ago, I pray that it doesn't interfere with my fight.

"On the counter of three." What the hell, I was snapped out of my thoughts to see Kakashi counting down with a mic on his head. What the hell did I miss. Suddenly Chiyo came crashing down from the Boulder with a slip of paper.

Was the boulder sealed? That is my guess. My turn, I quickly ran towards the boulder my eyes flashing as I hit the rock with everything I had. It split into a thousand pieces. Some big some little, that was a jog in the park.

Inside was people on the same class as before. One with a blonde haired ponytail, which I assume is a guy. The panda liking Kazekage was on the floor, his pulse is faded.

"He's dead." I whispered under my breath. Lady Chiyo snapped her head in my direction.

"Well well, my art is magnificent isn't it! Art is beautiful!" So the blonde is a complete idiot. "Quit blabbing and get the jinjuriki out of here."

So blondie is crazy and wood boy is sane. Still want to know own who there working for. Is this how Natsu feels when we leave him in the dark.

The men in cloaks and my whacked team, we're conversing. However I was so utterly confused, the entire. Fucking. Time! I mean honestly this effing sucks.

I sighed and watched as a big bird made out of clay picked up panda and flew off. Naruto and Kakashi followed the blondie and the birdie. Leaving me and the Granny to fight her, questionable, grandson? The conversation was really hard to track.

"Sasori! You don't want to do this, surrender now or make this difficult!" This never works, unless the victim is in a incredibly fragile state of mind. Which ours clearly isn't. This should be fun.

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