Chapter 25

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IM ON A ROLL W/ updates!

Everyone in a radius of me turned their heads to see what massive amount of power was coming from. "Elemental Dragon: Wing Attack!"

I cut my arm through the air, sending razor sharp colors towards the pain. Magic was practically radiating off of me, filling the air with pure magic game me the advantage. I slammed my heels into the ground as a pain used his almighty push to repel my magic. However the shock wave still sent them flying backwards.

I slashed my hand through the air, getting rid of the once powered wing attack. HeyI felt something crawl up my body, on my shoulder was a slug. "What the hell are you!"

"Forgive me I'm Tsunade's summoning, Katsuyu." I relaxed slightly, but tensed right back up after seeing the bald and other Pain stare me down.

"I'm going to give you three seconds to back off, unless you want the power of a dragon to be pitted against you." The Bald Pain stayed silent, but kept staring at me in an unsettling manner. "Where is Naruto Uzumaki!"

"You just killed the father I never knew I have, and you have the decency to ask me where a comrade is! You are pitiful, the leaf doesn't abandon there ninja, especially note for the likes of you people! If you want Naruto you're going to have to kill me and search my brain, oh, I forgot your not special like me." I held a smirk, trying to be as strong as possible but I looked pretty weak as tears streamed down my face. "Hey slug lady can you reach Tsunade?"

"Of course I can, is there something you'd like to tell her?" The blue and white slug asked in a polite manner. I nodded slightly as I blocked a punch from the not bald Pain.

"Tell the old hag that I won't be coming back from this one, I can feel the magic affects already draining. Any more that twenty minutes in dragon force and I'm a goner. I don't regret anything however, I will honor what I said to the village elders and protect Naruto with my life. Tell her I'm sorry for not being here sooner." I spoke in a soft, yet rasp voice I was jumping all over the place barely escaping the almighty push by the skin of my teeth. "Understood Miss Yuki."

"Good..." I whispered under my breath, before raising my voice with confidence. "Now I can fight with no regrets! I'll show you what true pain feels like!"

Need to make this quick, I can feel the magic overtaking my body already. "Elemental Dragon Secret Art; Single Unison Raid!"

A beam of multi colored colors were shot at the two Pain's. The unbald one took off, leaving me confused on the battlefield. I was left with the bald one, without being able to see me from two directions taking out Baldy should be a walk in the atomic bomb park.

"Bring it on Baldy!" I shouted, his arms attached and bombs were coming my way. Let's confuse him a little shall we. "I inform you that the retreated Pain is with Tsunade."

"Hang with me and you won't get hurt Sluggy." I boasted as I ran straight for the Bald one. The missiles guided and honed in on me, at the last second I jumped Baldy and the bombs hit him dead on, I used this as an opportunity to get the hell out of there and using all the speed I could muster and pushing off my feet one final time. I was sent through the air, huddling towards the Hokage tower.

"Sorry to drop in on you like this, get it dropped.... I'm so funny." I started laughing and smiling like a fool. All the ANBU surrounding her sweat dropped but branded their weapons. "No response, god give a dead women some humor."

"What are you doing interrupting a god!" The Pain I was fighting before said, seemingly quite irritated. "The only god here is me, you got something to say, spill to me."

"Where is Naruto Uzumaki!" He shouted, but he somehow still kept a calm exterior and level voice. So in the end I don't think I can call it a yell.

"Nevermind, Mount Myoboku is where the boy is, never forget what true Pain is until you have felt it." He fell backwards off the Hokage tower roof. "The world will know true pain!"

I turned to face the group, hoping to get some answers. The ANBU still branded their weapons towards me. "Woah hold you-"

I fell to my knees in pain, my body is overflowing with magical energy. I need an area to release it however doing so what destroy the village and people in it. "Lower your guard she is a ally of mine and a fellow leaf ninja who has worked as a double agent."

"He's planning something." I said in between pained and short breaths. Tsunade was hovering over my her hands on my back, healing practically nothing besides a few broken ribs I had gained earlier. "Funny I was thinking the same thing, we need to move!"

"So now I'm funny, when I can't stand how ironic." I mumbled to mostly myself gaining a stare from Tsunade. "Seems my humor wasn't appreciated I understand."

I pushed myself off the ground so I was standing upward, I feel weird. What was this Pain planning to do, and if so.

How devastating will the village be after the matter? I was unsure of where we were headed I was blindly following the village leader.

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