Chapter 33

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Hopefully this chapter makes up for my recently sucky writing! Enjoy the steaminess!

I'm not too sure how long I sat in the trees for but the sun was about to start rising. I smelt something coming towards me, I recognised it as Uchiha and let my guard fall a little bit. I took in a steady breath to control my once shaky breathing. 

"Sup' Uchiha." I spoke, not paying him a glance. "Did you sleep at all?"

"Nada." I joked, letting out a light laugh. "What was up with you and Karin fighting?" 

"I don't know she made me mad when she started talking." I shrugged and stretched my arms above my head. My tank top revealing the lower part of my abs. "All she said was her usua-, Hailey Yuki were you jealous?" 

"What kind of accusation was that? I am not jealous." I huffed at him and blew the fallen strands of hair out of my face. "Really what you did seem like a jealous person." 

"Why would I be jealous of you and her, if I remember correctly you still have to earn me back." I stated in a cocky tone. He came closer to me and whispered huskily in my ear, "Didn't I accept the challenge." 

"If I haven't earned you back then reject me." His head moved from my ear to my neck, leaving small kisses as he made his way to my jawline. They were rough, yet had some kind of passion. 

My mind was screaming to push him away and be done, but my body just wouldn't listen to reason. His hands moved to the back of my head, removing the hood from my head, leaving my long hair exposed. 

His hands became intertwined with my hair, tugging at it softly as he kissed almost up to my lips stopping his movements right before he got to them. 

"You haven't pushed me away yet. So does that mean I earned you?" He huskily whispered, his lips brushing against mine slightly. "Maybe, you still haven't found out." 

Sasuke ever so gently used his hand to lift my chin up, so it connected with his lips. He was gentle, like any movements could break me into a million pieces. I kissed back slowly, my hands going to his hair. 

His hands that were once in my lilac hair traveled down to my hips where they rested comfortably. It felt like we kissed for hours, but all good things come to an end and so does this.

Before we came too far apart he tugged on my waist, my short figure resting on his chest. His arms wrapped around my small frame, holding me close to his chest. "What you said earlier isn't true you know." 

"What did I say this time." I counted the amount of times his chest rose and fell, he placed a small kiss on the top of my head before answering. "I do care about you, Hailey." 

"I guess I care about you too, Uchiha." I felt my cheeks becoming warm, needless to say I was quite happy to be under her head my face out of sight. 

It's drastically different how he acts around me. When I had first met Uchiha he was always so guarded and cruel, it reminded me of myself when I was younger. How I would snap and after my emotions had been bottled up for far too long. I fear the same thing will happen to Sasuke one day, who knows if it will be good or bad.

"So are you joining Team Heibi?" I looked him in the eyes, seeing his once lifeless eyes had some sort of shine in them now. It was like he was a different person around me. "I guess so, I mean what is the worst that can happen."

He held me in his arms for a little while longer, both of us just enjoying one another's company. That was until I broke the silence. "So is the rest of Team Heibi up? I want to meet them." 

"Hn." Was his only response, I loosened in his grip so I could full on face him. "C'mon we still have things to do."

"Fine." Uchiha rolled his eyes, but snatched a quick peck on the lips before we got up. I smiled slightly and stood on the tree. "Race ya Uchiha!" 

I bolted off, making it to the others in no time. All of them looked to just be getting up, Sasuke jumped by my side with a quick glare at me. "Alright everyone we have a new member of Team Heibi."

I smiled and waved at everyone, but for some reason Karin still made me want to punch her. "The name is Hailey Yuki." 

I saw the boy with white hair and shark like teeth grab a big sword that looked vaguely familiar. In the side was a bite mark, taken right out of it. "Hailey, that's Suigetsu, Jugo, and Karin." 

So the white haired boy was named Suigetsu. I was highly curious about the sword so I bluntly asked, "Hey Suigetsu where did you get that sword?"

"From a person." His answer made me agitated slightly, but I didn't let it show. "If I recall correctly I took a bite out of this sword."

"No way, you can't be that bitch!" Proudly I smiled and nodded my head, I definitely was that bitch as he said. Jugo seemed pretty unfazed by me joining, he was holding a small blue bird. Karin seemed to be fuming at me, which I guess was pretty understandable. 

"Let's go, today is the day we track down Itachi." The way his words was laced with hatred shook me to the core. I did my best not too let it show. Everyone went to gather their things, I walked over to Uchiha.

"Have you thought this decision fully through?" I asked, his back facing me as he grabbed his katana. "What do you mean of course I have." 

"I don't want you to do something you'll end up regretting." I spoke softly, I know how revenge ended. I have experienced it first hand after all. "Why would I regret killing the man who killed his entire clan?"

"Listen to me!" I somewhat shouted, praying that the others hadn't heard me. He finally faced me, his poker face present.

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