Chapter 24

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I swooped in and stopped the kick that aimed for Kakashi. "Watch what your doing, sensei."

He crouched down and said something about a mud wall, all while I was having a staring contest with the Pain. I was unable to stop the rod that hit Kakashi's shoulder, I jumped back and took in a breath of air. As Kakashi attacked with a right handed chidori and jumped away I aimed a shadow dragon roar right at him. "Kakashi Hatake the copy cat ninja, and Hailey Yuki the Reaper its an honor to meet you both. I'll ask again where is Naruto Uzumaki?"

"Like hell we'll ever give up a comrade!" I shouted through clenched teeth, now the real fight can begin. The entire ground shook as Pain used his jutsu, causing tears in the ground. The ditch we were once in tripled in size destroying a few houses in the process. It also caused Kakashi and I to be pushed in separate directions. "Alright dodge this."

Kakashi sent a lightning hound in his direction, but before hitting him it disappeared. I pushed the rubble off of me and noticed that another Pain had joined the fight. It was the bald one the man from the gates had mentioned.

His arm detached from his body and sent rockets flying towards Kakashi and I. It has to be rods they are somehow connected with one another, they might be able to see what each others seeing. I sniffed the air as I jumped out of the rockets way and noticed the real Kakashi was still under rubble, the one above was a lightning clone.

The fake Kakashi was stabbed and erupted one of the Pain to be surrounded in lightning. From nowhere to extremely large fist were pummeling the bald Pain to the ground.

I smiled and recognized the extremely large physique of the fist. It was none other than the chip eater himself Choji Akimichi! And a head of the Akimichi clan Choji's father. "One down one to go, eh Kakashi?"

"Well I did have something in mind." The real Kakashi came from under the rubble. "Nice to see you again Choji, how have you been."

"Hailey, Tsunade has filled me in on you being here." Choza spoke in a rasp voice, I smiled and nodded my head. "Thank you for understanding what I did."

He gave me a thumbs us and looked towards the battle, many other ninja came along with the two Akimichi. I smirked and looked at the Pain's in front of me, "Now I have a good idea, break his legs!"

"Can you two still fight?" I nodded, I had plenty of magic to spare. "I had to exhaust half of my chakra already."

I lifted my hand through to the sky my eyes swirling into a new color. "O swift wind that dashes through the heavens!Lle Vernier!"

I felt a portion of my magic decrease as every ninja in a ten mile radius was receiving the speeding spell. Magic circles formed under the feel of everyone around me. "I'll play supporter for the time being help you guys out."

"Pa he's coming at us!" Everyone using their weapons through everything they had at the pain. "O heavy guard that dwell in the heavens! Lle Armor!"

I was too late the Pain had already used his push jutsu, however this time I was able to hear what he said. "Almighty push."

I was separated in the midst of battle none of the ninja were in my sights. I know that my support spells well be effective if I use them in a wide enough area. "O strengthen of arm to cleave the heavens! LLE ARMS!"

I only hoped that it had reached them in time. I heard crying moments later, was it Choji?

"If you can still move report the information to Lady Hokage!" Kakashi said through winced movements. "Run Choji!"

Kakashi used his Sharingan before I could react to the missile charging towards Choji.

I ran over to the rubble that Kakashi was trapped in, he was losing consciousness fast. I felt tears threatening to spill from my eyes. "Kakashi stay with me! I can't lose you!"

I was healing nothing that could do anything. I don't know how to transfer Chakra so I was unsure of how to save him. I slammed my hand into the ground and let the rubble around him break away. "C'mon Kakashi don't stop keep trying, live for everything! Live to show Naruto and see him thrive!"

Tears were free falling from my face dropping onto the rubble below me. "You told me living was worth something, you showed me so many things I was unaware that were possible! You can't die, not like this! Not because I wasn't fast enough!"

I repeatedly hit the ground spitting words of betrayal to me. He couldn't leave me right, he was like a dad to me he can't leave. "NOOOOOOOOOOO!"

I felt my hair ties snap as my hair grew down to my ankles, my skin growing thick and becoming covered in scales. The scales were in various colors of my elements, my eyes swirled into a mash of many colors and glowed brightly. My cloak became transparent and sparked in the light. My fairytail mark changed from purple to gold color and my teeth sharpened enough to cut through the eerie air.

Tears still streamed down my face small horns were seen from my roots of my hair. My hair was rainbow with the different elements and in between the horns a gold crown sat on my head. I held my head high and pushed myself off the ground and faced the Pain's.

"No this isn't my fault it's yours! I am the daughter of the elemental dragon, Atlas! Kakashi's name will be held onto as a memory and not one as darkness! Hear me now, none of the Pain's will live through me!"

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