Chapter 28

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I woke to the sound of nothing, my eyes still surrounded by black and nothing. I tried sniffing the air, much to my dismay the scent of blood laced the air, causing my nose to crinkle. I tried sitting up, only to now realise the amount of pain in my body.

"Stay still child, you musn't move too much." I nodded slightly then realising that the voice was far too nice to be Tsunade, I can also sense magic in the air. But I was still able to smell the leaf air around me. Maybe not to a normal person, but I can smell the vast different.

"Tsunade?" I ask wearily, there were three people in the room, wait this feels more like a tent than room, excluding me of course. One being the owner of the voice, and two others, but one smells familiar. "Hail-Sama?"

That name had me confused, only one person calls me that.... "Wendy?"

"She's awake finally!" I slowly opened my eyes to see the blue haired maiden in front of me. I'm probably seeing things as per usual. To the side of Wendy was Porlyusica mixing something together. "Granny?"

"What is it child?" The pink haired age asked me in a hushed tone, while it's true she has a feud for humans, Wendy and I never seemed to bother her much. Not like Natsu and Gray do anyway. But I am also pretty sure they piss off everybody they know at some point.

"What's going on?" I asked in a husky voice, my eyes darting around the hospital room. The other person in the room seemed to be a leaf nurse writing stuff down. "You haven't exerted your extra magic in a while have you?"

"Oh, I guess I sort of forgot?" I rubbed the back of my head in a sheepish manner at Granny's accusation. My earlier assumption had proved correct as I was on a blankets in a green tent. Her eyes seemed to widen slightly as I said this. "You forgot?"

"Yah, what's the problem with forgetting something... oh nevermind I see what you mean now." I spoke the last part in a low whisper. "Hailey do you remember why you died?"

"Hold the fucking phone! I died?!" I shouted causing a scene that I should have controlled, but too late now however. I saw Wendy look down, her eyes coated in concern.

"Hail, what was the promise you made me a year ago?" The dragon slayer asked in a weary tone, what was going on her head? I tried recalling a promise I had made to her, coming up empty I looked down at the sheets covering my frail body. "I c- can't remember... Granny what's wrong with me?"

"I believe you are feeling the side effects of not exerting magical energy. As I have explained before your body produces magic energy much faster than you can use it, meaning once a month or so you have to release it in waves." She explains as she shoves something in my face with an unthrilled tone. "How could I forgot something?"

"I thought you never forget anything?" Wendy asked as she sat on the chair in the corner of the tent. "I haven't forgotten anything in a long time... I honestly have no idea, but it's sort of creeping me out."

"WAIT! You said I died! How am I here?" I shouted once again making Wendy covering her sensitive ears. "Yes, but I'm unsure of how you're here right now. Take a look at your leg."

I peeled the sheets away seeing my leg was no longer in the large brace I once wore. I moved my ankle seeing I had full range of movement, I bent my knee slightly, it was sore but it moved.

"I had already done an examination and by the looks of it when you were found they said you had died along with many people. Anyway moving aside from that it seems the tissue and nerve damage had been undone." She said as she ushered me to drink the medicine she had given me earlier. "Where's Tsunade?"

"I can answer that one, she's in a coma, she had used too much chakra healing everyone with Katsuyu." I had noticed the leaf nurse looking at me with sad eyes. "Then what are we doing here, we have to try and help her!"

I forced myself to stand up, using the air as my support. "Not so fast, you need to exert magic before something else bad happens."

I rolled my eyes and grabbed Wendy, leaning on her shoulder for support. "You should have seen me, I was in my dragon force! Bam I hit somebody, kicking, fighting it was super cool, but Kakashi I couldn't sa... wait you said more dead were alive! Is Kakashi okay?"

"I know I'm cool and all, but you have way to much energy from dying recently." I smiled as Kakashi walked into the tent, I pushed off of Wendy and threw myself onto Kakashi. Engulfing him into a tight embrace. "Thank the fuckin' devil you're okay! I thought I had gotten you killed!"

"Stop procrastinating and exert the energy!" Granny shouted in my direction, I felt a shiver run down my spine from her firm tone. "Yah yah I'm going Granny, Wendy want to come with?"

"You guys can be heard from across the village." Kakashi face palmed as he faced us. "Where are you going?"

"This old hag said I have to not die, and exert some energy." I let out a laugh as her expression changed from annoyed to pissed. I grabbed Kakashi and Wendy by the wrists. "We gotta go before she kills me!"

"I'm not an old hag you uncomposed little brat!" She shouts as she pumps her fist in the air, O wouldn't be surprised if steam would come out of her head. "And I'm not a uncomposed little brat!"

"Hail, you know your really small right?" Wendy asked as I still dragged her behind me along with Kakashi. "Keep digging your grave my dear, keep digging. I'll sacrifice you to the old hag first."

"Well at least she likes me." Wendy giggled as we were now at least two miles away from the village. "I shouldn't reach the village from here at least."

"What exactly are you doing?" Kakabaka asked with a unsure expression. "I'm sending off magic waves so my body doesn't overheat."

"Right." He sweatdropped and looked over to the unfazed sky maiden. "Wendy, keep Kakashi in your magic so he doesn't get hit."

"On it!" She smiled, placing a hand on Kakashi and whispering the armor chant. They both became engulfed in dim lights, thanks to a magic circle. Now that I have focused on my magic, I can see the amount built up inside of me. "Going now."

I start of slow, sitting on the ground waves of magic shaking the ground. As they grew more profound and powerful the trees started to fall to the ground, followed by dirt being compressed and making a small crater around me.

"Gah!" I let out a huge wave spreading about a mile wide, destroying almost everything in my path as it did.

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