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Megan's POV

Harry and Megan. Megan and Harry. That is how our life was supposed to be.

Now it's Harry and Taylor Styles. Megan Payne and Cole Pendery.

Harry Styles and Taylor Swift are getting married before our 12th grade graduation.

What happened to us?

The answer? Life.

(What everyone in the group is-

Alex Payne- electricity generator

Ashton Irwin- male Medusa

Calum Hood- snow bender

Chrissy Costanza- Spider Woman

Clarissa Hewitt- stretcher

Cole Pendery- super speed

Dalton Rapattoni- lazer eyes

Dana Vaughns- Hulk

David Scarzone- shapeshifter

Eleanor Calder- weather controller

Ella Banks- healer

Gabriel Morales- mind controller

Harry Styles- vampire

Jessica Cade- mind reader

Liam Payne- hot head

Logan Payne- Cupid

Louis Tomlinson- wide mouth

Luke Hemmings- Syran

Mackenzie Rain- water bender

Megan Payne- x-ray and heart monitor

Melodie Miller- spell caster

Michael Clifford- tiger

Monica Costanza- fairy

Niall Horan- leprauchaun

Perrie Edwards- plant controller

Riley Johnson- invisibility

Sophia Smith- levetator

William Behlendorf- multiplier

Zayn Malik- werewolf)

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