Chapter 44

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Harry's POV

"Morning Megan." I whispered.

I looked at the beautiful sleeping figure next to me and smiled, remembering what happened last night. I stood up and changed into my boxers before walking to the bathroom. I did my business and started brushing my teeth. I finished and walked back to the bed. I grabbed the clothes I threw at a corner last night on the way to the bed and started to put it on Megan.

"Megan... Time to wake up." I said after I put her clothes on her.

She didn't reply. She didn't even shift or anything. I placed my ear near her nose and didn't feel any air coming out.

"Megan." I asked frantically before shaking her. Her body seemed lifeless and I panicked.

"Haz..." She responded, her voice lighter than a whisper.

"I'm right here. What's wrong baby?" I asked worriedly.

"I don't feel good." She said. I grabbed her hand and looked at her heart. It's not even there.

"You should be fine. I have a full heart now." I said before looking down at mine. It's lit but not fully.

"I love you Harry." She said before breathing out heavily and closing her eyes. Tears fell onto my cheeks and I felt my heart shatter.

"Liam! She's dying!" I screamed before running out into the hallway.

"Liam!" I shrieked.

"What's up lad?" Liam asked.

"Megan's dying." I sobbed. Liam's expression changed and he ran to my room. He pushed the door open and examined Megan.

"Ella!" Liam shrieked. I banged on Luke and Ella's door before the two ran out.

"She's not breathing." I said frantically. The others started piling into the room.

"What happened last night?" Zayn asked.

"We just talked..." I said.

"Don't give me that bull shit Harry. Her life is in danger right now." Liam snapped.

"We made love! After that I asked if my heart was full and she said yes! It's not Liam! I looked at her and saw the tear run down her cheek but didn't ask about it! I should've watched her!" I screamed.

"Megan!" Jess screamed. Everyone is being taken to the hallway but Jess doesn't wanna leave.

"Call the ambulance. I can't heal her." Ella sobbed.

"Call Melodie. If she can heal her then so be it but unless it's necessary we will not call the ambulance." Zayn said. Logan and Alex walked into the room and stood in front of Megan before Melodie came running in.

"Give me some space." She said.

She grabbed her book and started chanting a spell. She moved her hands over Megan's body as she chanted the words. She stopped and tears spilled.

"What's wrong?" Luke asked.

"Her body should have levitated and glowed for her to be healed. A broken heart is something I can't heal, let alone control." Melodie cried.

"I'm calling the ambulance." Ashton said. His face pale and his eyes full of tears.

Alex, Logan and Liam are sitting behind Megan. I'm on a chair near the bed and Luke and Melodie just left. Zayn is pushing everyone else out and crying softly. Logan is in shock and isn't responding to Liam and Alex. Ashton and Jess are talking to the 911 person on the phone and I'm trying to breath right.

"Let me see her!" Jess shrieked. She shoved Luke away from the door and dropped to her knees in front of Megan.

"You need to fight baby girl. Just like you did yesterday. You need to fight for all of us." Jess sobbed. She wrapped her arms around Megan and cried.

"They're on their way." Ashton said. He walked into the room and picked Megan up.

"Leave her alone." I snapped.

"Harry. I need to-" Ash started.

"Shut up. No one is taking her anywhere but me." I snapped. Ashton placed Megan on the bed and Jess wrapped her arms around Megan.

"When will they get here?" Liam asked.

"In about 5 minutes. They are a block or two away." Luke said.

"Why did you two make love Harry?" Liam asked.

"Because she wanted to show me how to love." I said. I ran my fingers through my hair and cried.

"She shouldn't have gotten cursed. It should've been me." I said.

"She risked her life to save everyone else's." Ella sobbed.

"Excuse me." A man with a stretcher said. He and 2 other men pulled Megan away from Jess and placed her on the stretcher.

"What happened?" The man asked.

"We don't know." Liam said.

"I woke up and she wasn't breathing. She was fine last night though." I said. The other men started taking Megan and I looked up.

"Where are you taking her?" I asked.

"To the hospital." The man said.

"I'm going too." I snapped.

"No. You have to stay here sir."

"I'm not staying here. I love her with all my fucking heart. I will not let her leave without me." I snapped before running to the other men.

"You love her?" Liam asked from behind me.

"Yes. I love her." I said.

"Did you tell her last night?" Jess asked.

"No 'cause I wasn't sure if I do love her or not." I said.

"That could have saved her Harry! You could have saved her!" Jess snapped.

"I know and I'm sorry." I said before crying. I hopped onto the elevator with Jess, Liam, Logan and the 3 men. We walked outside and got into the ambulance before speeding off.

"You should've told her. She would be fine if you had just grown some fucking balls and told her." Jess snapped.

"Well I'm sorry that I'm so fucking stubborn. I'm sorry that I didn't tell her I love her. I'm sorry I'm a screw up and that's the reason my family won't even talk to me anymore." I snapped. Jess and Liam stayed quiet and I scoffed.

"You should've told her." Logan said.

"I know..." I sighed. I wrapped my arms around her and cried silently.

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