Chapter 8

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"Hurry up guys!" I screamed from the front of the group.

I looked to one side and Perrie was running on tree roots, Dana and Logan behind her. I looked on the other side and Calum was freezing the ground and gliding on it, Gabe gliding behind him and another girl too. There was movement above me and I saw Chrissy swinging on her webs. Sophia was up there too and she was holding Jasmine. The river came up next to us and we saw Ella standing on a tree bark that had a rope tied on it. The rope led to Luke's hand and his tail was moving extra fast.

"Come on guys! Faster! Taylor is going to be at the house if we don't get there fast enough!" Niall screamed.

I looked over to where his voice was and he was running in his form. Zayn was next to him in his wolf form.

"Zayn! Catch!" Sophia screamed.

Zayn looked up and turned into his werewolf form. Sophia dropped Jasmine and Zayn caught her. He bit on her shirt before turning into a wolf again. Jasmine climbed onto his back and he kept running.

"Screw running." Logan said.

Her wings popped up and she started flying. She dropped her hand towards Liam, who smiled. He grabbed Logan's hand and she pulled him up so they were next to Sophia. Eleanor dropped down next to Logan. Eleanor's eyes were white and she was changing the weather. A thunderstorm. She is using the lighting bolts to move around.

"Catch Sophia!" Logan screamed.

Logan swung Liam to Sophia. Sophia grabbed him and pulled him up.

"Ready love?" She asked Liam. "Eleanor!" Sophia screamed. Eleanor looked at Sophia and caught Liam.

"Take him to Luke!" Ashton screamed. I looked to my other side and Ashton was stoning the plants and running on them, Jess holding his hand and running with him. Eleanor nodded and moved upwards. She found Luke and dropped Liam.

"Protect him Ella! Don't make him stop!" Eleanor screamed before backing up and turning. The rest of us turned the corner and ran through the woods.

Ella looked up and placed her powers over Luke, a barrier. Liam landed on the barrier and stood up. Luke looked up before singing. A weird looking creature surfaced next to Liam. Liam looked over before jumping onto the creature.

"My turn." Louis said. I looked at him and he nodded towards Dana. I picked Lou up and ran towards Dana. "Throw me Dana!" Lou said.

Dana looked over at Lou and nodded. Lou jumped off me and grabbed on to Dana. He then threw Lou into the air.

"Logan!" Dana screamed. Logan looked down and grabbed a hold of Louis' hand. She pulled him up but struggled.

"Sophia!" Logan screamed. She threw Lou up and Sophia caught him. Sophia looked at him and shook her head.

"Eleanor!" Sophia screamed. Eleanor dropped down next to Sophia and Lou jumped.

"Throw me as far as you can! I can see the house!" Louis screamed to Eleanor.

Eleanor nodded and dropped down next to Dana. Dana grabbed Lou's hand and picked him up. Eleanor went up next to Sophia and Dana picked up Lou over his head.

"Hurry!" Dana screamed before throwing Lou. Dana jumped down and Perrie grew a root high enough for Dana to step on. He landed and continued running, the root getting closer to the ground with every step.

"Stay back!" We heard Lou scream. We stopped at a corner and saw Lou on his hands and knees.

"Are you alright?!" Ashton screamed.

"Taylor cursed the forest! The plants will betray you!" Louis said. He looked up before getting pulled back by vines.

"Louis!" We screamed. Ashton took off his glasses and stoned the vine. Lou kicked it off and ran to us.

"Lets make this count." Will said.

I looked over at him and he made multiple replicas of himself. He made them walk to where Louis was. Vines and roots started appearing and that was when we ran.

"I'm stuck!" Jasmine screamed. We looked back as she was getting dragged by a root. Perrie moved the root and Jasmine came running towards us.

"Perrie! Jasmine!" Zayn screamed.

Perrie looked back but a vine pulled her up into the air and we couldn't see her anymore. Jasmine ran towards us but she got pulled by her legs into the darkness. Zayn dropped to the floor and cried a bit.

"Zayn... Get up..." Calum said. Zayn shook his head and a root pulled him back. He turned but it was too late.

"Calum!" Chrissy screamed. We looked up and she was gone, her web still present.

"Chrissy?!" Calum screamed.

"Logan!" Dana screamed. Logan was flying but she dropped and got pulled by vines and roots.

"Dana!" She screamed out. Her face horrified before she wasn't there anymore. Dana walked to Gabe and cried on his shoulder, Will patting his back.

"Monica!" Gabe screamed. The girl who was running with him walked forward before getting pulled back. Her shrieks and cries fading into the darkness.

"Get Megan out of here." We heard someone say faintly. Cole was inbetween two trees, it's roots wrapping around his body.

"Where is she?" Dana asked.

"Right here." Taylor said.

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