Chapter 28

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"Can someone help me?" Ella asked before her bag fell.

"Ask your boyfriend." Ashton smirked.

"I did but he's a dick and didn't wanna help. Even though his clothes is in here too." Ella sighed.

"Fine. I'll take the two luggage bags and you can take the backpacks." Luke whined.

"Thank you." Ella snapped before Luke kissed her.

"You guys make me sick." Harry laughed before wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I wrapped my arm around his torso and we continued to walk to the airport.

"Says the guy who is getting married to the she devil?" Louis sighed.

"He wishes he was with Megan though." Gabriel said before shoving Harry.

"Harry's blushing." Logan teased.

I looked back and everyone looked happy. Alex is holding her backpack while Riley is pulling the luggage bags. Ashton is giving Jess a piggy back ride and she is holding the backpack, Ashton dragging the luggage. Luke and Ella are walking side by side. Calum and Chrissy are using their powers, Calum sliding on the ice he makes and Chrissy swinging in the air. David is shape shifted into a husky and is next to Zayn, Zayn a wolf and Perrie sitting on him. Niall is holding Melodie, her fingers making symbols in the air before disappearing. Dana has Logan over his shoulder, Logan's wings out and she is shooting people with her arrows.

"Stop Logan." Luke said.

"These don't work. Plus the people I'm shooting are in love on their own." Logan shrugged.

Monica has her wings out and is flying next to Gabe. Liam is next to Gabe and Sophia is hovering next to Monica, they are talking about how it feels to fly. Louis is next to Eleanor, her eyes grey, the sky mimicking her eyes. Michael is a tiger and Claire is lying on him, stretching her arms into the air before pulling them down again. Mackenzie is gliding on water and she's throwing it at Luke, he dodges the water.

"I'll race ya Cole." Will said before smirking.

"What are we racing for?" Cole asked.

"To see who can get more bags on the carts than the other." Will added.

"Ready... Set... Go!" Monica screamed.

Will multiplied himself and grabbed many bags at once before placing them on the cart, a total of 10. Cole raced back and forth but only got 7 on. Will grabbed another 5 and dropped them on the cart. Cole grabbed 9 and slipped them onto the cart. Will grabbed 10 and Cole grabbed 10.

"You missed 5!" Chrissy shouted before dropping 5 bags from the ceiling. Will grabbed 2 and Cole grabbed the last 3.

"Who won?" Will and Cole asked out of breath.

"Lets see... Will got 27... Cole got 29... Cole won." Liam said.

"Yeeeeeeeesssss!" Cole screamed.

"Excuse me. You can't have a wolf, husky or tiger in this airport sir." A lady said.

"Ma'am. Look at my friend over there." Claire said, pointing at Gabe.

"You will let us board the plane with these three animals and forget anything else that looks fishy. You will also give each of us cake. And let us sit in first class." Gabe said, the lady nodding and walking away.

"We are already sitting in first class stupid." Dana said before chuckling.

"Oh... my bad." Gabe said.

"Come on." Sophia said. Gabe pointed his fingers at the carts and moved them up the ramp.

"That's easier." Ella said.

"David wants to know if you'll go out with him." Riley whispered in my ear. I shook my head and he nodded.

"Sorry Dave. She said no." Riley said before patting his head. David whimpered before walking over to me. I placed my had on his head and smiled.

'Why?' He asked.

'Because you don't know me. And Cole...' I said with a sigh.

'Cole's a jerk. I'd treat you better.' David snapped before growling.

'I know you would but... I can't.' I said.

'Please? Just one night and I'll prove to you that I'm better. If you say no at the end of that night then I'll back off. Promise.' David said.


"Flight 34b." A voice said over the speaker.

"That's us. It's just around the corner." Niall said. We all turned and stood in line.

"Sir. You have to have a leash for those... Animals." The lady said.

"It's okay. I gave them permission to keep them like that." The lady Gabe talked to earlier said.

"Okay." The other lady said. We handed our tickets to her before walking down the hallway.

"This is exhausting." Harry mumbled before chuckling. He leaned in and kissed my cheek. David growled at him and Harry hissed back.

"Stop." Liam snapped before Zayn growled at them.

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