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Hey guys,

This is the first book I actually write and publish a book on Wattpad so i'm sorry if the story is weird and awkward. Also forgive me if there are any spelling mistakes. I'm planning on making the book long because I really like writing and I find inspiration really quickly.  I will try and upload chapters every week even though I have tons of revision at the moment and a bunch of homework.  

Anyways there with that said here are a few characters you might want to know about.

Rain Salaya:

A Sixteen year old girl who attends Wesmore High. She lives with her mother and she hasn't seen her father in her whole entire life. Her height is average, she has a curly afro, mixed skinned, greenish brownish eyes and she's slim. She is best friends with Elly since 4th grade. She is born extremely beautiful.

Matt Riviera:

A bad boy really.  Attracts every girl's attention and doesn't like it when people don't agree with him and when people disrespects him.  He thinks he is the king of the world.  He is self-centered and doesn't really care for anybody. His mother died when his younger brother, Jacob, was born.  He has bright greenish gold eyes.  He is fit and muscly. The perfect type... The guy that fell from heaven. The guy that every girl could wish for. He's a Vampire.

Elly Parsons:

Rain's best friend.  She has a pure heart and really sticks up for Rain. She is very smart and knows what to do in almost every situation.  She has long blond hair and blue eyes.  She's in love with Jacob,  Matt's younger brother.  They know each other since sixth grade. She doesnt like school and prefers stayig in bed on Netflix and go shopping. She has psychic abilities. 

Lena Marshall:

Rain's worst enemy. She finds every opportunity to get rid of her. She has lovely frizzy hair and wears a lot of make up. Lena crushes on Jacob Riviera but he crushes on Rain.  She's slim and cute but is a total bitch.

Jacob Riviera:

Matt's younger brother. He's almost as muscly as Matt. He is 16 years old but skipped a clas making him in Rain and Elly's class. He has hazel eyes and brown hair. People say he looks  lot like Matt. Jacob doesnt have a crush on Elly. He goes out with a girl named Jennyfer but he crushes on Rain.

The other characters are going to be described in the story.

At the beginning of every chapter,  I will put on a song that you can listen to whilst you are reading.  Sometimes he songs don't load and I'm sorry if that happens.

It will add more feelings in your reading and don't worry I will make sure the song matches with the chapter 😉

I also speak French so if there are any French speakers don't hide yourself 💛
Also I'm sorry again if there are any spelling mistakes.

If you have anything to ask me, write it in the comments and I will reply.
I reply to all my comments. You can also message me. I'm all on ears.

Have fun reading!
And don't forget to Comment, Vote and Follow!

Hugs and kisses my lil' angels  👼👼xx


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