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"Do you mind telling me what happened?"

" Umm... Okay...I've got nothing to lose anyway."


" It all started in 8th grade."

" What started in 8th grade? 

" People taking advantage of me. In both ways. Thinking they can just come and insult me. They would just make fun of the way I am. I had a crush on this one guy named Lucas who was nice to me at the beginning of the year but started insulting me . He would just touch my hair and say my name in drama class. He begged me to hold his hand and all but that was all a fake image to flirt with me. Behind my back he would insult me of being a slut and a retard for falling for him.

" I'm sorry..."

" He multiple times sent his friend to spread rumors about him and I going out, that I asked him out, that I sent him inappropriate pictures of me etc...  I thought Lucas was a good guy and a guy of trust but I was wrong. From the day the rumors started, my reputation decreased and I got bullied. I thought I was mentally strong for all of it but I wasn't. At the same period I had my sports teacher named Mr. Frey who was irresistibly nice to me. He wasn't bad physically. He was my teacher crush if you want. He would always tell me I was his favorite and all. But this one day I saw his other side. He would repeat to me that I was a really beautiful girl with beautiful eyes. That he loved my hair and my curves.He said I was the beautifulest student he ever had in his 20 years of teaching. He touched my back sliding it down to my butt and picked me up. He forced me to kiss him and to say very inappropriate comments..."

" Did he get caught?"

" Mr. Frey was very smart physically and had a strong way to express himself. He can tell you that there was a flying pig in the highway and you can very possibly believe him. I wasn't the one who reported him, it was my "friend" Stella. She told the principal but when Mr.Frey explained the misunderstanding, the principal didn't do anything. Mr.Frey gave Stella bad grades for the rest of the year as for me, he didn't talk to me inside school but outside school as he lived two streets away from mine. So the days he knew my parents weren't home he would come in front of my door to talk to me in a digusting way. Mr.Frey was very inappropriate you can't even imagine. Sometimes he would show me awkward videos and all."

" Did he ever come in?"

" No because I lied about the fact that there were cameras in my house. One day he grabbed my arm though, I think he was drunk and he ordered me to take all my clothes off and when I asked why he would turn my arm around until I would scream my head off. Sometimes when I didn't do what he wanted, he would beat me. I was also a demon at the time so when I was angry or sad my eyes would just get into a beautiful shade of gold, mainly because i couldnt control my emotions at the time which was one of the main reasons why he enjoyed beating me."

" That's why you were weird when I told you to take your clothes off.."

" Yes... After all that happened, my mom found out that I had bruises all over my arms and on my back so she sent me to Chicago thinking I was getting bullied. I left with Elly who wasn't in my class in 8th and 9th grade. We moved to Wesmore High and believe it or not everything was going on much better. Just until I found out that most guys in the school had a crush on me. I chose to not crush on anyone after everything that happened with Lucas which was why I was known for not being available for guys."

" That's good then"

"Not really, there was that guy named Jason who was so innocent in secondary school. He had a crush on me since 4th grade and he has always been in my class. In 11th grade he seriously changed. He wasn't that innocent guy I once knew. He knew about me being freshly transformed so he fed me his blood. You might think that he was nice doing that but he had a plan behind that beautiful face of his. Drinking his blood caused me to become addicted to him. Which was successful. One day he told me that I had to be his and make sure Matt doesn't approach me. I disobeyed and he abused me in my own room. He raped me but luckily Matt came in in time."

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