~Thirty Five~

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Theo's POV

Bibibip! Bibibip! Bibibip! 

I roll on my bed to turn of the alarm on my phone. Sitting up I run my hands through my hair and yawn a bit. I stretch out and stare into nothing for a few minutes.

" Come on Theo, it's time to go." I say to myself whilst standing up towards the bathroom. 

I take the toothbrush from my black backpack and brush my teeth. I wash my face and stare at my reflection for a few seconds before drying my face. I walk out of the bathroom and put my shoes on, grab my bag and exit my room. 

Going through to the Institute's large and spacious halls I notice Barry who's working on a new case with Taylor in the main room. Barry stands up and walks towards me. 

" Oh wait you still haven't left." he says looking at me up and down.

" I'm leaving now, I'm taking the plane."

Barry looks at me then looks at Taylor who shrugs his shoulders at him. Barry then turns to me again.

" Dude I don't know if you should do this. Whatever caused the plane crash is probably still out there."

" I'm a angelic blooded B, who cares."

" Don't say that to me, you clearly know that angelic blooded still die when they get burnt."

" Yeah well that's not a problem because it won't happen."

" How can you be so sure."

" I just know it."

" Just take care of yourself, and if you feel like the plane is going to crash take the back exit, it's much faster."

" Okay Alpha." I smirk.

" You're not allowed to call me that, you're not a werewolf."

" Sorry Master." I say as I punch his shoulder.

" Goodbye bro." He comes and gives me a boyish hug and slightly hurts my shoulder.

" Bye dude, I'll call you when I arrive."

With that said, I walk out of the Institute and look at the huge building one last time. I make my way to the metro station a few minutes away. Anxiety invades my brain.

What if I don't see her again?

Theo, stay optimistic, you'll see her again....

Let's see life on the bright side, I will see Rain again whether she wants to talk to me again or not. 

I take the stair down to the metro station. I take the London Underground to arrive to the London City Airport. After a few minutes I arrive at the Airport.

 I go to to ticket kiosk. A light black woman was waiting for me. She had Afro like hair nicely tied up to the side. One thing I noticed on her were her eyes. They were brown but not any kind of brown. An empty like brown as if she hid other colors.

Yes I know I'm weird but I know what I'm talking about.

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