~Thirty Three~

24 4 3

Song: Heaven in Hiding by Halsey

I'm currently in the subway heading to the airport. I don't know why but I have a strong feeling that I should head back. That I never should of chose to leave my house.

But somewhere in me is the need to find him, to find Theo, and I'm not going to find him if I carry on staying in bed and watching Riverdale on Netflix. So here I am in the train heading to see him.

I probably should of came with someone but who?

Matt would of snitched to my mom that I'm planning to do this. No that's not even the problem, he would never want me to go and find Theo because he simply just hates him. Elly would never let me do that for my own safety and the guy in the white tuxedo would of forced me to go but I don't want to stay the whole trip with him, considering that I don't even know him.

I get down from the subway and walk to the Chicago Midway International Airport. I go to the ticket kiosk and pay the ticket to the 'London City Airport' in order to arrive at the Institute quicker.

The plane takes off at 7pm sharp and we will arrive at about 4am if nothing goes wrong. I will be flying on the American 90 plane on seat number 33. It is currently 6:37 so I choose to stop at Starbucks to get myself a bagel and a Cappuccino.

Near 6:55 I head to the plane.

I walk in the plane until a sudden strange and horrific feeling crossed my body. I shiver slightly and keep walking in, to my seat. I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen.

I place the suitcase in the luggage overhead and sat down. A few seconds later an old woman comes to sit right next to me. I chose to not talk to her because I don't talk to strangers.

Apart from the guy in the white tux.

The plane takes off and I stare out of the window being right next to my head. I enjoyed staring at the clouds watching the world we think is so big turn into something barely noticeable.

I take my phone and turn on my Itunes application. I put on my headset and listen to music.

After a while,I fall asleep.

I wake up near 3:45 when the plane guy announced that we arrived in London. I was so happy that we made it.


Just then I receive a message.

" Do not talk about me to anyone,or you'll regret it."

I cringe at the message knowing it was the second time that I received it. What annoyed me the most was that I couldn't know who sent it to me and that that person could send it again.

" Who sent this to you darling? Is anybody annoying you?" asks the old woman

" Oh no don't worry, I think its just a friend."

" A friend? That message seems quite serious, it's as if this person is powerful and wouldn't want you to mess up with them." she frowns still looking at my phone.

" Uh no it's okay Madame." i say looking away.

Just then something came up in my mind. I think I know who sent this to me. Let me just reassure the old lady.

" Its okay Madame, it only just this guy I've met a few months ago."

" A guy you've met a few months ago? How is he like?"

" Well I've never really seen his face because he always wears a mask, but he always comes up in my life, and I never really understood why."

" Oh well that's kinda creepy don't you think?"

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