~ Two ~

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Song: Fetish by Selena Gomez ft Gucci Mane

I couldn't believe it.  He was talking to my mom. And my mom literally seemed to appreciate him.
" Um, Rain are you okay? Meet Matt, Matt Riviera he is new to this town and I want you to make him feel like home.  I've already discussed with his mom, he can come and go whenever he likes. He also volunteered to be your babysitter when I'm gone to Africa for professional vacation." my mom said in a good manner

" Right..."

Okay I am shocked, like literally shocked. I was shocked about three things. One, he was talking to my mom. Two my mom and his mom seem to be getting along and three he was going to be my fricking babysitter and at the same time he is in the same school as me and he is a total freak. 

"Great,  Rain seems to agree with this.  I will pay you 30$ every time you stay with her.  She's not really complicated to handle, I just want you to make sure she doesn't go out.  She can only invite Elly on weekends. I'm trusting you on this Matt please don't mess it up.  I'm counting on you!"

" Yes Miss Salaya,  I will take my duty very seriously... "

" Call me Tchiya."


I didn't want to stay any longer listening to this crap.  Starting from next week he would have to boss me around and piss me off.  He will have to enter my bedroom (which is a no boy zone). Wether he likes it or not, I will invite Elly any day of the week and he won't enter my bedroom.  How could my life just turn into total mysery in just one fucking day. After my mom went in the kitchen, Matt was staring at me with a smirk on his face. Until he spat:

"I guess we are going to have to get to know each other more now, I didn't know you were friends with Barbie."

" Her name is Elly by the way... "

" To get to even better good news,  I was elected school captain of fitness club today... "

"Okay cut the crap Matt. Where is Mr. Peroni gone?"

"He retired during summer vacation. I'm happy you are happy that I am going to be your new personal trainer. And specially for you I borrowed a gym and some new outfits for you. You will try them out Sunday night and we will get started on Monday."

" I'm not going to work out with you. Who do you think I am your puppet?"

"No not my puppet, I am your master and you must obey my orders. "

His eyes turned really dark red.  I thought I wasn't seeing well at first but then it was true.  Who was he?  Who's eyes turns red when they are angry. 

"You? My master? What else? Don't approache ever again understand.  I would rather go commit suicide than stay with an asshole like you! "

I screamed at his face. I hated him.  Always thinking they can tell over people what to do. Like... Does he mind? First you're an asshole in class then you dare step in my house to-

His eyes turned bloody red. I had to stop my thoughts.  This guy is creepy.

Personally I really hate bad boys. But sometimes when I understand them they're actually kinda okay.  But I hated Matt.  I just hated his attitude. He is tall and muscular which is hot. He has golden green eyes as well,  which is why I don't really stare into his eyes that much because I'm scared to drown in them.
After I said what I said to him, his jaw tightens, i feel like he wants to break a wall or something and he did.


"What's going on Rain what just happ-"

She stared at the wall in horror.  I couldn't explain what happened, Matt left the house like wind.  In fact, I didn't even see him leave at all. He was just gone.  Great,  now I had to find out what I was going to say to my mom.

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