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" Wait. Jason No! Don't kill her I beg you" I scream.

" Why wouldn't I kill her Rain, I told you to make sure that Matt doesn't approach you again but you love it when he is around don't you? " He smirks.

After an awkward moment of silence I decide to let him decide. I did promise him after all.

" What do you want Jas-"

" No Rain don't do that! " Matt shouts

" What were you gonna say Rain?" Smiles Jason.

" What do you want me to do? "

" I don't want you to do anything. I just want Matt to give you to me in exchange for Elly."

I look at Matt wondering what he was going to do next. He stares at me with sorrow in his eyes. I'm starting to think that he is going to pick Elly over me. I don't want to separate them anyway they love each other.

" Fine then be it... " Matt whispers.

Matt throws me over to Jason and Jason hands Elly over to Matt as if we just got sold. I felt so useless at that very moment. Before Jason and I got out of my bedroom I just stared at Matt frowning at his decision. I gave him a confused look before loosing his sight.

  I'm going to fight till the end. I won't let Jason win. As for Matt, I don't wanna think about him. After he drags me downstairs, Jason makes me sit in the front seat of his mini van.

 I stare at him with disgust and he stares at me with a smirk. He is proud of himself but he won't be proud for too long.

" Well done for the bad boy villain act Jason. What are you planning to do with me now?"

" Ooh I enjoy the confidence in you Rain. I love you like that. I hate it when you're all moody and crungy. "

I ignore him which seems to make him mad. He then chooses to answer me.

" I'm taking you far. I'm handing you over time the Clave. They sure will love to have a demonated hybrid to torture. "

I gulp hard. What is the Clave? Never heard of that before...

" What is the Clave Jason? "

" Oh poor girl, the Clave is a community, like a goverment, who punish people and take actions only in the shadoworld."

" And what is the Shadoworld?. "

" It's logic Rain. Shadow is every dark creature and world is a world unless you want the definition! "

" No I'm okay. Why do they want to torture me? It's not my fault I'm a Demonated Creature"

" You just should never of came to life Rain that's all. You're a mistake! Did anyone ever tell you that? "

This bastard pissed me off.

" Shut up Jason. You're the mistake for making me turn into what I am today. I crave for blood because of you. I transformed into a monster because of you and I'm in this situation because of you so if you weren't born I think the world wouldn't be in danger because of me. So instead of pissing me off just focus on the road before we die in a car accident! " I scream at him. I think I hit him hard because he was staring at me so hard that I had a feeling his eyes balls we're gonna pop out of his eye circuits in a matter of seconds.

After my incredible speech, our way to the Clave was incredibly silent. We had another 4 hours before we arrived. I fell asleep.


Self Control: Demonated HybridsWhere stories live. Discover now