~ Thirty Eight~

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Theo's POV

Elly felt much better after a while and we went to join Matt.

« Oh my god Rain!! » says Elly running towards her best friend. She stopped at the hospital bed and looked over at her friend. " Oh poor baby you'll be fine. I promise you'll be fine."

She turns around and walks towards me. She tiptoes and gets closer to my face.

" I think I have an idea on how to save her." she whispers in my ear.

I nod and Matt walks towards us.

" So? Are you two a couple now?" he smirks.

" No no no and does that matter?" I say.

" No, but I'm just impressed on how every girl is attracted to you. Guess you're not that bad huh?"

" Whatever Matt, whatever."

Elly at this point was facing Rain whilst Matt and I were near the door.

She was using her hands on Rain and was mumbling some shit. Interested I got closer to her to see what was going on.

Oh yeah I forgot she was a witch.

" Vid ad vivifica eius. Salvum facere a se mala sunt. Pulsatio, carnes, osa cura. Sic fiat semper..." she finnished.

The heart monitor started beeping loudly indicating that her heart was beating at a normal speed and at a normal rythm.

Rain sat up ever so quickly she made me jump. Her eyes still closed, she tilts her eyes to the side, facing my way and opened her eyes.

Creepy for all I must say.

Her eye color was red. Why?

" Oh my..." she starts by saying whilst she sees everybody around her.

At this point the room was entirely quiet. Elly was gobsmacked to see Rain awake. I was just standing there still not knowing what to do and Matt was just far away a little but still looking at her, his mouth making an O shape.

" What? Why are you all looking at me like that? Looks like you've seen a ghost." She says getting out of bed.

Elly pushed her neck back and started blinking rapidly.

" Rain are you okay?" She asks really confused.

" yes I'm okay... Why are you asking?"

" Uhh nothing."

Rain started to walk around and looked at Matt and then started staring at me. She started walking closer to me making me want to run away. She was kinda creepy with her red eyes just looking at me.

She then starts running towards me and gave me one of the hugest hugs I've ever had in my entire life. Without knowing exactly what to do. I pat her hair and hug her again tighter. She looked up at me from the hug crying.

" Am I dreaming or is this really you?" She asks with a smile.

" Happy to see you too." Mumbles Elly.

" It really is me Rain I came for you too to ask you to-"

" Are y'all done or..." says Matt heading to the door.

" Oh hey Matt." says Rain.

" Hi, now let's go."

We all leave the room as I notice that Rain is slightly limping. I look at her and pick her up. From that she places her hand on my chest and says nothing.

Self Control: Demonated HybridsWhere stories live. Discover now