~ Three ~

106 7 8

Song: Uncover by Zara Larson

I need someone to answer me right now. What is going on?

"Mom your eyes,  they are a-all r-r-RED!!

" I know darling this is why I have to do this... "

I feel a hit at the back of my head, again, but this time I black out completely...

This is what happens to curious girls.


I wake up feeling really dizzy. I feel marks on my skin which probably means I've been asleep for a long time.

I hear my bathroom door slam open and Matt comes out of it, all I could see was water dripping on his eight pack.

I screamed and hid under my covers to avoid any " awkward" sight feeling my face get red again.  Don't judge me,  just because I'm not really " Light skinned" doesn't mean I don't  "blush". Just saying.

" Stop acting as if you don't like this Rain.! "

" No!  Matt!  You're in a TOWEL.  Get. In.  The.  Bathroom. And. Close. The. Bloody. Door! " I scream under my blankets sounding utterly ridiculous.

" No!  Rain!  Nobody cares!  Get. Out. Of. Your. Blankets! "

I finally decide to get out still feeling a bit flushed by the scene. 
He was staring smirking at me with a white towel nicely tied around his lower abdomen. 

" Are you going to carry on staring at me or... "

" Shut up! "

I sat up again and hugged my knees trying to think about my mom.

" Your mom called me,  she said she had an emergency in Congo.  She told me to take care of you until she comes back"

"Oh " I sighed under my breath making it barely audible.

I was speechless. My mom was hiding something from me and she hit me in the head in order to get away from it. 

That's all that happened.  She had no damn emergency in Congo. She lied to him or even worse,  he is hiding something from me as well. She thinks I'm a fool doesn't she?

"You seem confused Rain, what's wrong?"

"Just move I need a shower"

I zoomed past him until I was stopped. He grabbed my arm. 
I turn around and he is staring at me.


He finally lets go and I hop in the shower.

This was one of the best showers ever taken. It had a different smell. 
A fresh smell of almonds. Then I realized this was Matt's sent. I used my soap on order to get his scent away. Hot water is dripping on my body. I feel my tense muscles relax but I am scared. I don't  know what my mom is doing, where she is and certainly what she's hiding from me. I wonder if Matt knows anything. But there was no way I was going to go and ask him anything.

After a lot of thinking under water I leave the bathroom to land in my room again.I dry my body until I notice in the corner of my eye a pile of clothes dressed on my bed including underwear.

Oh no he fucking didn't.

I zoomed out of my room,  in my baby blue towel and searched for him.

" Who told you you could put your filthy hands in my pantie draw? " I screamed

" Myself. I want you to wear all of it including your red lace underwear. I am your master and you obey my orders."

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