~ Forty Three ~

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I run out of the house and slam the door shut. Multiple feelings invade my brain. Sadness all over again, anger for the hidden truths, melancholia for Theo and maybe a little but of fear for the upcoming events.

What is this red moon shit?

I walk on a slower pace to the nearby park where I know I'll be alone with nobody annoying me. I sit down and start reading, hearing my belly screaming for more food.

I was starving. Starving for blood...

I choose to try and keep my thirst in knowing that i hadn't brought any water nor blood tablets. The thought of blood and killing invades my brain, tasting sweet blood from the vein, biting a soft human neck. I feel my eyes turn red all over again at the thought of feeding.

I have to feed, right now. Thoughts are getting deeper and deeper, I have to drink FRESH blood. I vampire-speed-sprint to the nearby forest, uncontrollable, not knowing what to feed on. A group human with backpacks, camping as always.

They're not that lucky are they?

I sprint towards one and snap they're head, sink my fangs into his neck and suck all the blood out of his being. Then the next, and then the next until they're complete drowned out.

I sit down still thirsty, staring at all the human lives I've just inhaled and drank. I don't care.
After a while I sit up and start walking through the dark damp forest. No one in sight and finally I can have some sleep. I lie against a tea trunk and close my eyes tight.

Not thinking about anyone. Only me myself and I. No Matt, no Theo, no Elly. Only me.


I wake up at the sound of leaves rustling. I quickly sit up from the tree trunk I was using as a pillow and stand on my guards. Ready for whoever was here.

Following me.

" I already told you! Stop following me!"

Leaves rustle even louder and I start looking all around me.

"If you're human go away!! I don't want to hurt you."

Someone approaches me. To my surprise.

" Mom..."

"No dear, I'm not your mother"

I itch my eyes to clear up my sight that's now very blurry.

" Wait what Kyle? No... wait"

" Wrong... one last chance..." answers the person.

" dad... help me... dad!!" I scream crying.

"Uh huh darling. You're dead to me."

All of a sudden I see glitter in my eyes causing me to close them and I feel a stake piercing through my chest. The wood entering my heart.
I hear myself scream out... scream out in pain. I drop to the ground, breathing no more.

I sit up gasping, still in the woods, inhaling as much air as I can.
I hear leaves rustling. I quickly sit up from the tree trunk I was using as a pillow and stand on my guards. Ready for whoever was here.

Following me.

" I already told you! Stop following me!"

Leaves rustle even louder and I start looking all around me.

"If you're human go away!! I don't want to hurt you."

Experiencing a Deja vu, I stay quiet.

Some approches me and I'm surprised.

" Stop following me whoever you are! You don't know what I'm capable of."

" Oh please, I know what your capable of. Hybrid!"

Oh hell this time I'm not getting killed.

" Oh yeah? So you must know better than not messing with me!"

" Which is why you're coming with me."

The dark forest lights up once this person stares into my eyes. I recognnize him... The guy in the white tux. Not black, but white.

" Come with me Rain."

" It's crazy how you think I'll follow you."

" Sorry, but you have to."

He shoots an arrow through my shoulder, I collapse when I feel an anasthetic injection pour in my blood.

" Rest well my dear..."

I feel nothing. It feels like sleep paralysis. Something I've experienced once in my life.

When Kyle was gone missing...

I wake up in a cold dark room. I look around. No sight of Theo, Matt or even Elly...

Self Control: Demonated HybridsWhere stories live. Discover now