~Thirty two~

31 4 2

Rain's POV

I've been thinking about finding Theo all night long. I know it's not going to be easy, but I must find a way to find him. I feel like he's in danger and I don't think he really wanted to kill me.

I think that what we had was real. Theo never wanted to kill me, and I don't know why I didn't realize that till now.

I've been so dumb to think second that Theo wanted to kill me.
I'm going to go find him in England myself myself without anybody's help. I will go this evening.

But right before that, I'm gonna need money to buy my plane ticket. I don't know who ask the money to. I think that is what I'm going to do all day.

I'm not going to tell Matt that I'm going. He's going to feel too much pain because he thinks that I'm over Theo but I'm not.

Since I've had the dream about Theo, Matt hasn't been the same. He's been a little distant and cold.

It's as if he is aware about the dream. I get out of bed and hop into the shower. Once I'm done, I brush my hair, brush my teeth and get changed into comfy clothes to try and act normal. Matt comes in my room.

" Hey rain, there are a few letters for you that are left in the mailbox oh, and by the way, how did you sleep today? "

" I slept fine today, why are you asking? "

" Maybe because you had a nightmare 2 nights ago, and that ever since you don't want to speak to me. "

" Maybe because I dreamt about something where you were... "

" Evil."


" Well just remember that dreams are dreams and that I'm not necessarily the person you saw in the dream."

"Are you done? I don't wanna hear it anymore and please get out of my room."


He gets out of my room and slams the door. He is mad. But i've got one question left.

Does he not know about my dream?

Its currently 11 am and I still don't have any money. Matt is off the list because I clearly just pissed him off. I can't ask money to Ellie because she's all the way in Russia. So I don't have any options left living. I can't speak to my mom. An idea crossed my mind.

The guy in the white tuxedo.

Yes, great idea, but how do I write to him knowing that he was the only one who ever wrote to me? 

I guess today's not the day I will leave to find Theo.

Why is life always against me?

After realizing that finding Theo was going to be the most difficult thing ever, also realising that I'm only 17 and not 18, I choose to open my computer and watch the last released episode of Riverdale.

I grab my blanket, Smudge the teddy and get watching. 

After 15 minutes I hear Matt calling me.

I head downstairs and to my amazement Matt was making food. Not as if it wasn't the first time.

" Rain I need you to go to the store and buy ice cream and some fries please."

" You're calling me to go grocery shopping?"

" Yes what's the problem with that?"

" Well I was watching my TV serie and you interrupted me right when Betty was talking to"

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