~ One ~

186 10 3

Song: Break the rules by Charlie XCX

Back to school. Another day I wasn't looking forward to. Another day where people would just bla bla about what they did during summer vacation and where they bought their swim suits. 

Personally my life wasn't even that exciting during summer vacation. Actually... it wasn't exciting at all. 

I spent my whole 2 month studying and reading whilst my mom spent her holiday in Africa. She asked me if I wanted to come but I promised Elly I would stay with her during the holidays. 

We did do something exciting though. 

She slept over mine for 3 weeks and explained her plan on how she would get Jacob twirled around her finger. Then she would just keep talking about how he was hot, awesome and talented and how he stared at her for a split second everytime she screamed. Elly could seriously be so gullible sometimes.

Anyway I'm waiting for Elly in front of the school gates. By the way we attend Wesmore High a school I actually like. 

However I never knew my day was going to end up like this...

"Have you seen him? Apparently he is Jacob's older brother!! " I could just here every girl say that in the Hall whilst I was heading for my locker. 

"Hello? Earth to Rain! I heard there is this new boy in the school today and guess what, he is Ja-"

" Jacob's brother... Yes I heard that's all girls are talking about at this very instant have you even seen him? " 

Honestly I hated interrupting Elly but I felt like I had to do it because I wanted to get this conversation over with I hated the gossip about new "hot" guys. That's just not me.

"No not yet. Bell's gonna ring catch you up later! We'll see each other after 3rd period near the science lab okay?" 

" Right yeah okay! See ya! "

Near the science lab was Elly and I's favorite hang out because everything was quiet and we could see about everything that was happening in the cafeteria (the area where most of the drama happens). 

I walk into class until I notice that everyone, boys and girls, are huddling around something or someone. Everything was so noisy. I go past the distraction and then I finally see him, the famous bad boy everyone was talking about. But unfortunately... Not interested. He wasn't my type. I hated bad boys, always thinking they were on top of the world. He turns out to be my lab partner. Things were gonna go in a bad way. I felt it. 

" Hey beauty, wanna hang out after school? " he asked. 

" Hey stranger, do I know you?" I tried to sound nice but I think that was a flop.
" I don't think you do, you just called me stranger. It's okay Rain, I don't bite. " He put his hands in his pocket and stared at me, intensely.

" Okayy... can you pass me the safety glasses? " I mumble

*he handed them over* roughly*

" Sorry darling I didn't mean to shove them up like that, I just prefer it when girls say please." 

" Please huh? We'll see if I will ever say please to a bad boy like you. "

" Rain Salaya, the odd one out of all the other girls around. I didn't believe it at first but when I see your face all I see is a bitch."

"Guess you've looked in the mirror then!"

The bell suddenly rings and he ignored me completely which is something I utterly hate. Besides from that I didn't even finish filling in the experience we had to do. Great. A bad grade. So fucking great. I got distracted by him. I don't even know his name. And he knows mine?!?. The teacher is glaring at me waiting for me to leave my seat and make my way out of the classroom.  


After a not-so-awkward morning with the rest of my classes, I went to meet Elly near the science lab as always. 

Elly was already there staring at the bad boy. Honestly I didn't want to see him at all but I had to speak to Elly about what happened in chemistry.

" Elly, I'm gonna have a bad grade because of the ne-"

" The new guy is 10th grade Rain, I don't know in what class he is but he has our age maybe I should try to flirt maybe he will fall in love wit-"

" Enough Elly he is soo not who you think he is. He is new to this school and he already had dozens of friends! I mean look at him,see, the way he stares at people with his irresistible hazel eyes, nobody does that, nobody does, its his way of getting round seduction. He has this stupid bad boy way of staring at me, I knew this guy was crap. I got a bad grade because of him"

" What do you mean he is staring at you Rain? Is he already into you?" 

"No we were just lab parties this morning."

" You mean for the rest of the year! Do anything you want but don't make him crush on you okay. You have a habit of getting every boy I like wrapped around your finger. Your story with this new guy doesn't smell good to me..." 

Just then as Elly finished talking, the guy turned his muscular back around, smirked and winked at me. 

"See told ya, this is happening again. You've already got Taylor, Jason, Jacob, Harry and now him. Congratulations Rain, for a girl who says she's not interested in guys."

I forgot that detail. I am the girl every girl hates (except Elly) for jealousy because almost every guy tends to admit they have crushed on me for the past few years. Thats something I hate about myself. I mean Elly is pretty as hell too right? All I know is that this guy is trouble. Big trouble. I don't see what any girl sees behind that beautiful face of his. I do have to admit though he is cute, I mean sorta cute. Okay really cute and hot. 

Honestly it's only been a day and I feel as if this was going to be a long ride. For the moment we weren't even on the first loop. But for now I had time focus on my grades if I wanted to be placed in one of he best colleges in the U.S. And I know this isn't going to be easy with him around

Focus Rain. Just focus...

After the wink in the cafeteria I didn't see him for the rest of my classes. It was as if he vanished into thin air.  

After all my classes were over I dropped Elly at her house and walked home. In front of my door, whilst I was trying to find my key,  I hear my mom talking with a man.  The voice sounded very familiar. 


After I opened the door I saw the unexpected.

" Oh hey Rain! It's nice to see you... "


So this is the first chapter hope you liked it. I know its pretty long but get ready because I'm panning on making all of my chapters like that. Sorry.

Thanks for reading!!

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Hugs and kisses my lil' angels 👼👼xx

Love you,


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