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I wake up. I feel like I have been unconscious for a very long time. My body is weak.

Am I in hell?

I turned my head and I can see Jason sitting on the bench I put my uniform on earlier on today when I met him. He takes his eyes off his phone and stares at me. This is awkward. I lie back down on the ground in the middle of a pentagram. Then I remember.

" You arent in hell. Stand up we have work to do! "

He stands up and walks towards my body. He kneels down a little and reaches out for my hand.

" You can rest after the great Escape. I'm sorry if what I did to you was harmful but you need to understand that your witch powers were not going to come anytime soon. I had to take it form your future which is exactly in 9 years from now. What I just did has secondary effects and the first thing is tiring your body. "

" I am willing to fight for you Matt, I m-mean Theo no matter no matter the consequences... "

"... Ummm... Just stand up okay? We need to get started. "

" Aren't the prisoners already free? Hasn't it been 2 hours already? "

" You've been asleep for 22 minutes of course it hasn't been 2 hours. "

I didn't mean to say Matt. Matt was the last person I fought for so yes I didn't mean to say Matt. Theo has a better heart than Matt's and would do anything to save me.

Or to save himself.

But Matt is a self centered jerk who spends his time flirting just to get attention.

I grab Theo's hand and he pulls me up. I land facing his muscly chest and his eyes are staring into mine. His eyes are so beautiful. How can so many colors just fit into 2 perfect eyes. He pulls away and walks up the bench, without sitting back on it though.

" Whilst you've been asleep I've tried to find a simulation spell for reviving known as awakening. You currently have a lot of power in your hands so avoid getting angry, fierce or sad. Emotions play a lot in magic. The spell I picked is an easy chant so all you need is your tongue and a little bit of concentration. You won't really need to practise this but in the future you will have to from time to time. I'm not asking you to read out loud every spell in a Grimoire but to meditate and concentrate on yourself. Nothin else. You will have to change the chant verbally so that the Clave don't catch you or your ashes will be thrown underground. Are there any questions? "

" What if my magic doesn't work? What if my emotions get in the way? What if the plan is a total flop. Is there a plan B?

" There is no plan B! We lost 22 minutes of our time remember? We've got less than an hour and a half to go through this. You will have to keep your emotions to yourself Rain otherwise you know that everyone will be in trouble. You have powerful blood lurking through your veins and if you don't be careful, you will put everyone's life at risk. This is the reason why they fear Demonated Hybrids so much. I am the one who thought about the plan so I can't do anything but work. "

" Okay... Just before the plan happens you will have to give me some food. I'm starving. It's been ages since I got real food in my stomach. Just tell the guards that I won't do anything I I don't have energy. I would prefer a large pizza with not too much cheese, a lot of tomato sauce and no pepperoni. Thanks! "

" You aren't in a restaurant Salaya, I'll see what I can do. What was the last thing you ate? "

" I don't really remember... "

" Blood? "

" No! I think it was toast or something. I was depressed that day, Matt gave it to me. "

Self Control: Demonated HybridsWhere stories live. Discover now