~ Twenty Four ~

35 5 1

I'm standing in a dark alley all over again...

No red eyes...

No screaming...

But one breath....

A black tall guy, muscled wearing a white tuxedo staring right through my eyes with eyes that don't just look like fire, but full of nothing.

Emptiness invades me, The devil's look. The look of someone determined to kill.

  My heart almost stopped beating. His eyes staring in disbelief, in anger. Wild with evilness. My stomach turned to ice. Frozen to the spot. They hurried along the silent alley, as though driven by shuddering fear. He stared, gazed at me until he could control how I felt.


" Shhh Rain it's okay no one will know who did it..."

Just then I see Matt's red eyes staring at me...

" This is what happens to Demons..."

He takes his huge hand and drags in onto my mouth, until not 1 but no breath is left for me to breath...

They started again. Those nightmares. Different though. I hear no screaming in them anymore.

Elly sits up hugging me.

" It's okay Rain don't cry they are only nightmares."

" Elly to start with I'm not going to cry for this kind of thing okay. The dream wasn't that terrifying it was just like every other dream I had."

" Well that's good. Just tell those dreams to fuck off and everything will be fine."

" Elly well the thing is ... I don't think this dream is a "dream" "

" What do you mean?"

" I think this dream was trying to tell me something..."

" What are you talking about?"

" It wasn't a dream, it was a kind of vision."

" What did you see?

" There was the guy in a white tuxedo in a dark alley. The alley I always dream about and I..."

" You?"

"I... I.."

" You what?"

" I called him Daddy!"

" You called him Daddy."

" Yes I did and then Matt's face comes up and I die."

" You die."

" Can you stop repeating what I say please."

" Fine" says Elly yawning.

" Elly today we're not going out. We're going to stay inside to do some research on my dad."

" I kinda need to go my babysitter might be worried about me."

" You have a babysitter?"

" Yes I do."

" Guy or girl?"


" Be careful Elly."

" Don't worry I will what can happen to me anyway."

Self Control: Demonated HybridsWhere stories live. Discover now