~Thirty Nine~

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Song: Hurt you by The Weeknd & Gesaffelstein

Rain's POV

Finally feeling my legs.
Finally feeling my lungs.
Finally getting out of this place.
Finally seeing Theo again.
Finally seeing Elly again.
Finally seeing Matt again.
Finally going home.

Never will I forget what happened to me.


When I was brought to the hospital, I woke up a few hours later to see myself in a surgery room. I was breathing heavily seeing the sight of everything that was around. Scalpels, knives, woodcutters, guns, hammers, organs in jars etc... I was so scared that I was about to faint.

The room was ever so dark only with a lamp torch lighting up the mattress i was on. I wasn't just put on a mattress.


I was locked with metal like bars against the bed. My wrists were tied, my upper arms were tied, my rib cage was tied, my waist was tied and my ankles were tied. There was no way I could get out. Even a vampire would not of managed. I felt ever so weak just after the accident so you must imagine that I tried getting out of those without success.

After a while two guys came in with smirks on their faces. I started by thinking that they were going to rape me. Yeah don't judge me but that's all I think about when I'm alone with guys. No they didn't rape me.

They did much worse.

I still don't understand what they wanted or why they did it but they did.
They took the scalpels and knifes and started cutting my inner thigh.

Like I said I don't know why.

They were enjoying doing so and they kept on cutting deeper and deeper.

And me?

I was screaming for help. Yelping of pain. Like if I had to go through surgery they could at least give me pain killers. Well no they didn't.

They enjoyed seeing me in pain. They enjoyed hearing me scream. The thought of all of this makes me cry.

There's something that isn't clear about all of this.

Why was this happening to ME?
And who was the person doing this to me?


I don't understand. There's something missing.

"Rain are you okay? You haven't spoken the last 10 minutes" says Matt who was sitting next to me in the plane.

" uhh yeah everything is fine, just thinking a little."

" Don't worry I understand... So? Are you happy you found Theo again?"

" Yes I'm happy but... we are probably going to need to talk about everything..." I mumble.

" About the thing where he needs to kill you?"


" Yeah you probably need to talk to him about that, it's important for you to know the whole thing."

" Guess you're right."

Theo and Elly were seated 4 seats behind us. Matt chose to sit next to me because he felt like he needed to stay and watch over me after the crazy escape I did.

He grabs my hand and grips onto my thigh.

" I've missed you so much . I was ever so worried to lose you again. I promise I won't let you go again I promise..." he mumbles.

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