~ Forty Two ~

20 2 3

Theo is still not talking and still looking at me as if he had the urge to say something but stopped himself.
After munching down a sushi, fed up, I say something.

" Can you say something please, it's awkward when you stare at me like that!"

" oh yea shit sorry for that ... I was thinking..."

" About?" I say whilst I drop a sushi into my mouth.

" do you know what the red moon is?"

" a moon that's red. Why?"

" duh Rain duh! No I mean the signification, the effect it has on us. On you."

I shake my head.

" The red moon is a very dangerous time of the year, all supernatural creatures can kill with no remorse and no control at any time. At this time, a lot of Demonated creatures The were captured a long time ago spawn because the effect of the red moon are their living circumstances. During the red moon humans don't come out of their houses making it easier for all of us to survive-"

" Wait woah woah hold on there. Let me finish the food and then we can talk about it. I won't be long there are only 5 left..."

" Ok?" he raises a brow.

" No it's just that I'm too concentrated on the food I'm eating making it impossible for me to properly listen to you whilst I'm eating. I'm sorry but Matt's sushis are nice!"

" He ordered but as you wish. I'll wait."

The reason why I stopped him is not because what he was saying wasn't interesting but because I really can't concentrate. Especially for news like this, I need to have full attention onto what he is saying so that I can collect all the key words in my brain.
That's my way of understanding things, don't judge.

Thanks you're nice.

Once I finished my food, Theo calls in Matt to take my tray away. Matt comes in, stares at both me and Theo and without a word leaves the room.

" Is he really gone??" Theo stands up to check if Matt was perhaps eavesdropping our conversation.
He wasn't.

" So what you're trying to tell me Theo is that there is an event called the red moon where we all lose control of everything?" I ask

" It's not really an event. It's more of a massacre and in those times Demonated creatures are much much stronger. Uncontrollably strong..."

"So that means I'll be strong? Like super strong?"

" Rain you're a demonated HYBRID which makes you much more that "super strong"!"

" Oh wow can't wait!"

" No Rain it's not such of a good thing. You being powerful like that can actually kill you, for real. You can die unless you find a duty to fill your true potential. And even then you can still die."

" What true potential?"

" I don't know, some unknown mission only you can figure out..."

" Well this is tougher than I thought. So I clearly understand there's some red moon shit that's gonna happen sometime soon and all creatures lose control of their abilities. Humains have to stay home and I die unless I find my true potential..."

" No not creatures, DEMONATED creatures, creatures with demon blood."

" So that means that you're not part of it right?"

" Yea... but it's okay I'm gonna help you. Help you remain in place if you get uncontrollable I mean."

" I could kill you! No Theo keep away" I say looking down.

Self Control: Demonated HybridsWhere stories live. Discover now