
37 6 2

Song:  Movements by Pham

Theo picks up his sword and I pick up mine.

" Stand all the way there. And when I say go we start the fight okay?"

" Alright but are we supposed to kill each other?"

" No we aren't supposed to kill each other. This is sword fight Rain. You know, the fight where swords go 'cling cling' "

" I think I know what a sword fight is thankyou."

" Right let me turn on the music..."

" What music?"

" You'll see..."

I watch Theo's muscular back turn around and went to the music studio in the room next door. He put on the music. It was Movements by Pham.

" Great Choice Mr. Bad boy..."

" That's only the beginning..."

" Of?"

" You finding me exclusively hot."

" Whatever"

" GO!"

I run towards Theo and he runs towards me. I throw my sword onto Theo's and we twist and tumble together. Our swords kept touching each other until I had an idea.

I run to the other side of the studio and I sprint back at him. He stares at me with an intimidating look but I didn't care. I had to show him what I could do and I had no chance of losing against him. Once I almost got close to him I jump up in the air so high that I jumped over his six feet self. For a split second he wondered where I was until I straightened my sword behind him.

" Turn around and put your sword down." I smile at him proud of myself.

" Not so fast babe..."

He quickly turns around and hits my sword up which makes me let go of it.

" Cat got your sword?"

" I guess so. I give up you won!"

" Alright."

He turns around to turn off the music and I tiptoe backwards and I grab my sword again. I sprint behind him and he turns around. He grabs my arm and twists around. I end up in his muscly arms our stomachs touching. He stares at me with an intense look on his face. I stare back at him. I took my leg and crossed it with his which makes him fall backwards.

" You seem distracted. You look 'exclusively' hot that way."

" I admit you got me on that one. What about this?" He says lying down catching his breath.

He grabs his sword and cuts my skin on my leg which make fall just beside him.

" Ouch."

" Are you okay?"

" NO! Of course I'm not okay you just cut my leg open you asshole. It hurts like crap."

" Sorry, I didn't know I was going to hurt you doing that. Wait let me see..."

Theo crouches down in order to see my cut properly.

" Yeah it looks quite sore. Let me sort it out."

He takes off his top and dabs my cut. It really hurt and especially it stings. But as long as Theo and his perfect abs stay close to me everything will be fine. 

I'm joking.

 NO but seriously this cut stings like hell.

" Aren't you supposed to heal?"

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