~Thirty Seven~

33 1 4

Song: Love the way you lie Rihanna ft Eminem

Elly's POV

"So we're heading to the hospital right? Shouldn't we start by looking around the place?" I ask.

" Nah I don't think we should lose another second, Rain can literally be dying and we don't want to arrive at the hospital seeing her like that " says Theo.

" Rain is probably dead because of me" mumbles Matt.

At this point of our journey, we had taken the plane and were walking towards the hospital. We sat and got to eat something but Matt wasn't happy. He kept facing down mumbling to himself like some drunk dude. I asked him what he would do if he found out Rain was in a coma or something and he answered that he would kill himself and that he would never forgive himself for what he did to her.
He was anxious and he even let Theo eat the rest of his bagel. Which trust me is something he would never do if he was in his true state.

" Matt I know you feel responsible about everything but stop saying that she's dead. Be optimistic and everything will be fine" I say

" There's nothing to be optimistic about when you know that there's no hope left. She had the accident she died. Period."

" What. A.Douche" says Theo looking at Matt disgusted.

After a while we finally arrived at the NewHam University Hospital.
I look at the building and take a deep breath. I let down a few tears and look at Theo who was officially staring at me.

" Lets go in..." he whispers to me.
I nod and we walk in. Matt stayed outside red faced saying he was going to join us after. I looked at him feeling a bit of pity. I felt sorry for him.

" Okay but don't do anything stupid, promise?"

" It's okay Elly I won't I just... need to breath a little bit before seeing her. Conscious or unconscious."


I take the small steps to get inside the building where Theo was waiting for me. I take a look at Matt who slightly smiled at me. I turn around and get inside the building.

At the reception everything was oddly calm. I wonder if Rain is really in here. I approach the young man who was looking at us in order to help us out.

" May I help you young folks?"

" Umm yeah actually we're here to see a patient" I stammer.

" Can I know what his name is?"

" Her name is Rain. Rain Salaya."

" Oh... well that won't be possible."

" And can I know why?! " says Theo banging the stall with his hands staring deep into the receptionist.

" Because... because she is in a very bad state and we are still trying to examine why and how she made it through the crash..."

" Can I at least see her. Please... she's my best friend and I really miss her. I came back all the way from Russia t-to see her."

I look to the left and realize that Theo is staring at me again.

" I'm sorry Miss but I can't help you."

I take a deep breath and look at the ceiling for a few seconds.

" Look, I don't think I've made this clear enough, I NEED to see her. It's not a question or an option. I'm begging you to let me see her for at least 2 seconds and all you're doing is getting you ASS UP AND TELLING ME YOU CANT HELP ME!!"

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