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" Rain! Oh my god! You're okay..."

Matt turns around and picks me up in a hug.

" So that's Matt..."

"..." I don't know what to say.

" Who is this guy Rain?" asks Matt

" Have you guys not met?"

" He threatened me as soon as he found out we slept in the same room." says Theo

" Matt what is this about?!"

" This creep is the one who answered the phone this morning, I never knew he was the one taking care of you!"

" Wait Matt called this morning?" I ask Theo.

" Yes he did."

" Why didn't you tell me the truth Theo I trusted you! You had no reason to lie to me!"

" I didn't want you to get upset... I'm sorry..."

" Why the fuck would she get upset? Our story is none of your business!" shouted Matt

" Oh yeah? Well I don't know why you even bothered to come and get her since her best friend was clearly a better choice!" answered Theo

" Don't even dare speak like this you asshole!"

" Lower your tone when talking to me you bastard."

" Who do you think you are huh?! My girl has changed because of you look at her." Says Matt.

" Don't swap the roles here asshole, she didn't change because of me, she changed because you left her and I'm the one who took care of her from A to Z. Do you have an idea where she was heading when you left her? Jason was going to hand her over to the Clave. Rain was going to die and to be specific she was going to be burnt down to ashes and have her leftovers thrown in a dungeon! So shut up because you're the reason she's even here with me right now. You've left her for months bitch and I'm the one who made sure she felt safe. So getting mad because you let your stupid mind think that we made out is fucking ridiculous compare to what you made her go through!"

I stare at Theo. He stares at me. Matt watches both of us stare at each other.

" Are you okay Rain? I've missed you a lot you can't imagine!"

" I'm okay Matt don't worry."

" We're heading home! Pack your stuff we're leaving."

" This is not safe for her Matt! The Clave want her dead! You hear me? DEAD! So bringing her out of the institute is a huge risk."

" I know what I'm doing..." says Matt.

" Matt can you get out I want to talk to Theo privately."

" Okay but don't be long."

Matt leaves the room.

I run to Theo I put my arms around his neck. He picked me up I quickly lean forward and I kiss him passionately. Whilst I was kissing him I thought about everything he did for me. Everything he sacrificed, his ways, his manners, the way he is. Theo would seriously miss me. I really didn't want to leave him. Whilst my lips still moved with his, several drops of tears fall on my cheek.

" I don't want to leave you Theo, something tells me I have to stay with Matt but I wish I could stay here with you. Life won't be the same without you."

" Go Rain, go do what you have to do. You need to go to school and see your friends. Your mom is probably waiting for you."

" Why a-are you not reacting Theo? Do you hate me that bad?"

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