~ Author's note ~

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Hey y'all!!
It's Daisy here.
I wanted to thank all those people who are reading my story.
I know this story can be confusing but I hope y'all tagged along and enjoyed it.
Rain's adventures aren't ending. Book 1 is just finished cuz I don't want to make it a LONG book which is really contradicting due to the fact that I said I wanted it long at the beginning of the story XD.
I think the chapters are long enough as they are and so many questions are still to be answered.

First of all, who is the guy in the white tux? And the black tux?
What is the white sword of the end?
Who is Rain's long lost brother? Who is also a Demonated Hybrid.
How comes Kirsty Grace is a Demonated Hybrid when Rain is supposedly the last one.
What is the Red Moon? How is she going to survive that?
And the best questions!!! Who will she end up with, Matt or Theo? Or maybeeee both!!🤔🤫.

There are many more questions that I'll probably answer to in Book 2 if I start writing it hihi.

Anyways y'all, hope your families are all safe, hope y'all are all safe and doing well. Hope your online classes aren't as annoying as mine cuz seriously I can't stand them anymore.

I most of all hope y'all liked my story and if you haven't voted yet pleaseeeee do so!!!!

I love you all so much and thanks again for reading my story. If any of you have any questions go ahead and ask me in dm or right here in the comment section.

Take care of yourself y'all. This is a difficult time for all of us! Stay home and keep your loved ones safe. Call them once in a while too!!

It's important...

See y'all.

Daisy Meka x

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